Again, no picture - no walking.
It was a super busy day, however I got to see some of my best friends!!!! Gotta love that!
Started with dropping the boys off at school, hit bank machine and check for Ryan's papers (that weren't there! grrr) then zip home as Jenn was dropping by to borrow my big shot to run some of her Valentine's through. Meanwhile, after drop off I got to visit with Krista. She popped 'round to visit for half an hour before we got on with our day. Time flies hanging with her. Conversation is so easy!
After Krista left, I settled at the craft table to work on the boys' Valentines for their classes. Pictures to come later. Weird that Jenn hadn't arrived yet. 10am came and so did she finally. 10:30, Sue texted to say that she was on her way. (We made a pact that once a month when she's out here getting her brows done that we meet for tea/lunch/snack whatever) So today we were meeting at Planet Earth for her belated birthday lunch. So, Jenn was done and we parted ways and I went to check for Ryan's papers yet again. So happy they were there! Then off to lunch. It was a wonderful visit. I had split pea soup with corned beef on rye, Sue had the same soup with a veggie wrap. We of course had earl grey tea! Then 12:45 came and I was off and running! I had made arrangements to see Charmaine who I hadn't seen I'm sure in a year! We sat and chatted and drank our special drinks. I had a non-fat sugar free earl grey tea latte. YUM! After that it was off home to meet Ryan. I had Krista pick up Shane and Ryan walk home. I got Ryan's papers ready and then started preparing dinner as I was called in to work 4-12. Ryan got his papers done by 3:40!!! He said he ran. I waited for Krista to pick me up and take me to work (she kind of forgot) Managed to get there by 4:05. The shift went by fast! I had perogies and oktoberfest sausage for dinner. I was bad though, I had a coke and 2 bags a chip on my dinner break. However, when I got home I did not eat! I usually am hungry. I stayed up til 1:30 as I was doing the nod but no eating!!!!
Full full day but worth it to see my friends. They are all so different and each of them fill up my soul in different ways that make me feel whole. Hard to explain but my friends are so awesome! I LOVE you all!!!!! So much!!! Please never forget it!
Friday, February 8
Thursday, February 7
Day 3
Well, I don't have pictures for you. I ran out of time. So no walking today.
My day consisted of dropping the kids off at school, going to card class on Promontory. I was there until 12:15 then headed to Cheryl's to get Sue's birthday present and get my brows, chin and face waxed. Feels good. From there I headed back to collect the boys. from there we went to the bank then Fraser Valley Meats to get some meat.
Food for today consisted of my smoothie for breakfast. I had a ham and cheese sandwich on my way to Cheryl's. From Cheryl's on the way to school I had an apple. For dinner Ryan wanted bacon and eggs and hashbrowns. Delish! I love breakfast for dinner! At about 10:30 I was hungry! So I had a bowl of leftover butter chicken from last night. Night eating....very bad.
It is now 12:40am - have to crash as I have to shower in the morning. I got called in to work 4-12 tomorrow. I doubt I will have time to walk tomorrow either, but we'll see what tomorrow brings.
Good night.
My day consisted of dropping the kids off at school, going to card class on Promontory. I was there until 12:15 then headed to Cheryl's to get Sue's birthday present and get my brows, chin and face waxed. Feels good. From there I headed back to collect the boys. from there we went to the bank then Fraser Valley Meats to get some meat.
Food for today consisted of my smoothie for breakfast. I had a ham and cheese sandwich on my way to Cheryl's. From Cheryl's on the way to school I had an apple. For dinner Ryan wanted bacon and eggs and hashbrowns. Delish! I love breakfast for dinner! At about 10:30 I was hungry! So I had a bowl of leftover butter chicken from last night. Night eating....very bad.
It is now 12:40am - have to crash as I have to shower in the morning. I got called in to work 4-12 tomorrow. I doubt I will have time to walk tomorrow either, but we'll see what tomorrow brings.
Good night.
Tuesday, February 5
Day 2
I don't know why with less time I walked farther? It was at the same speed of 4.5. Weird |
For supper we had a big plate of salad that consisted of spring mix, tomatoes, cucumber, avocado, strawberries, yellow pepper, feta cheese, olive oil and balsamic vinegar. On my salad I put the hot banana peppers. Dave's salad was without as he tends not to like hot things. Yesterday when I went to Costco I bought Butter Chicken. Of course not the lightest fair but to combat that I put our dinner on the salad plates and our salad on our dinner plates. I made basmati rice to go with the butter chicken. I was so full from the salad that I ate all the chicken but left the rice. I don't want to throw it away though. I think I'll put it in the fridge for lunch tomorrow. No waste! Yes, I know that I really need to change my mindset.
I may go sit in the hot tub after dishes and putting the boys to bed. A little reward for myself. A calorie free reward. :)
Until tomorrow.
Monday, February 4
Day 1
This was at a speed of 4.5. |
This was right after my walk. |
Another motivation? We're planning to cruise in January 2014 to the Eastern Caribbean for Aysha's and Don's Wedding. We're planning to go a week early and go see Disney World. Ryan will be celebrating his 13th birthday there! How great is that? Shane will be 8. I think a perfect age to remember and enjoy all the parks have to offer. 2014 also marks Dave's and my 10th year wedding anniversary. (17 years together) That's a freaking lifetime!
I do have some pretty lofty goals.
I want to lose at least 10lbs per month which would be 110lbs by December - 11 months.
(doable? 10lbs doesn't sound unobtainable but like I said "lofty") I'm a little overwhelmed as I type this)
Thoughts of things I want to do or have to change.
- I want to walk a minimum of 20 minutes a day of which I want to take a picture of the treadmill for reference and me for reference. Like I did today. I think if nothing else, I should have no excuse to carve out 20 minutes. It's not like I'm jogging - just walking.
- I would like to start my Zumba game that I purchased for myself at Christmas I think realistically, get a minimum of a week under my belt of walking so I don't totally shock my body. I hate pain and would probably quit if I over do it.
- I want to purchase the Arthritis yoga DVD. I did enjoy yoga when I was pregnant with Ryan. Miss it? That's a strong I think the the stretching aspect would really feel good in the long run. Again, get the walking under my belt and some Zumba and then add the Yoga for variety.
- I really need to consume more water!
- I need to get more sleep - no more late nights crafting getting ready for club. I really have to utilize my time batter during the day when I'm not working and get my club projects done!
- I either want to continue the It Works! wraps for the boxes of them that I have to see if I notice a difference. However, I also want to attempt the petrochemical detox using the citrus fresh, ledum essential oils along with the capsule of grapefruit essential oils. The oils at least are all natural.
- I really need to cut my portion sizes. I tend to eat healthier than most people I know however, I seem to always be hungry and consume lots! Why do I do this? It seems I'm always hungry. I am a basket case when I'm really hungry and then go crazy!!! literally!!! I feel so out of control and rationalize that I deserve it or I'm too busy and have to get Tim's or something fast to tie me over until I can take the time to make my food.
- Another thing I want to try is salad in a jar......I need to find the pump thing and get some mason jars so that I can do this. I think it would be totally helpful if I had a weeks worth of salad in my fridge. All I'd have to do is add dressing and maybe the cheese or nuts (wouldn't want them to go soggy)
- I'm really not ready to share with anyone close to me my plans. I'm so scared of failure or falling off the wagon and being looked down upon. I also don't want to be asked constantly how the diet is going and feeling ashamed if I have broken and fallen into old patterns. I really truly want to do this on my own and then be asked whet I am doing and how. It would show myself that I'm strong enough to overcome this (like I quite smoking cold turkey). I'm proud of that. My constant failures when it comes to my weight is heartbreaking.
Good Night World!
Monday, October 26
Wednesday, August 5
Tuesday, June 16
Family Adventure to the Othello Tunnels June 14th, 2009
Playing with the Whacky hose...
Monday, March 2
Ryan's 8th Birthday Party at Gymnastic's Club
january Snow.....
Saturday, January 3
Christmas & stuff
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