Monday, February 4

Day 1

This was at a speed of 4.5. 

This was right after my walk.
Well, it's been a long time since I updated this blog.  I am going to hopefully use this blog to keep me motivated into getting in shape.  Well, a smaller shape that is.  My weight is off the charts.  Not happy about it.  I'm not comfortable enough to write it down here but I do have it written down along with my measurements.  My rheumatoid arthritis has been out of control this past year and I have been on plaquenil and prednisone since August of 2012.  I ant to be off of them again.  I think my only solution to this is eat right and exercise.

Another motivation?  We're planning to cruise in January 2014 to the Eastern Caribbean for Aysha's and Don's Wedding.  We're planning to go a week early and go see Disney World.  Ryan will be celebrating his 13th birthday there!  How great is that?  Shane will be 8.  I think a perfect age to remember and enjoy all the parks have to offer.  2014 also marks Dave's and my 10th year wedding anniversary.  (17 years together)  That's a freaking lifetime!

I do have some pretty lofty goals.
     I want to lose at least 10lbs per month which would be 110lbs by December - 11 months.
     (doable?  10lbs doesn't sound unobtainable but like I said "lofty")  I'm a little overwhelmed as I       type this)

Thoughts of things I want to do or have to change.

  • I want to walk a minimum of 20 minutes a day of which I want to take a picture of the treadmill for reference and me for reference.  Like I did today.  I think if nothing else, I should have no excuse to carve out 20 minutes.  It's not like I'm jogging - just walking.
  • I would like to start my Zumba game that I purchased for myself at Christmas  I think realistically, get a minimum of a week under my belt of walking so I don't totally shock my body.  I hate pain and would probably quit if I over do it.
  • I want to purchase the Arthritis yoga DVD.  I did enjoy yoga when I was pregnant with Ryan.  Miss it?  That's a strong  I think the the stretching aspect would really feel good in the long run.  Again, get the walking under my belt and some Zumba and then add the Yoga for variety.
  • I really need to consume more water!
  • I need to get more sleep - no more late nights crafting getting ready for club.  I really have to utilize my time batter during the day when I'm not working and get my club projects done!
  • I either want to continue the It Works! wraps for the boxes of them that I have to see if I notice a difference.  However, I also want to attempt the petrochemical detox using the citrus fresh, ledum essential oils along with the capsule of grapefruit essential oils. The oils at least are all natural.
  • I really need to cut my portion sizes.  I tend to eat healthier than most people I know however, I seem to always be hungry and consume lots!  Why do I do this?  It seems I'm always hungry.  I am a basket case when I'm really hungry and then go crazy!!!  literally!!!  I feel so out of control and rationalize that I deserve it or I'm too busy and have to get Tim's or something fast to tie me over until I can take the time to make my food.
  • Another thing I want to try is salad in a jar......I need to find the pump thing and get some mason jars so that I can do this.  I think it would be totally helpful if I had a weeks worth of salad in my fridge.  All I'd have to do is add dressing and maybe the cheese or nuts (wouldn't want them to go soggy)
  • I'm really not ready to share with anyone close to me my plans.  I'm so scared of failure or falling off the wagon and being looked down upon.  I also don't want to be asked constantly how the diet is going and feeling ashamed if I have broken and fallen into old patterns.  I really truly want to do this on my own and then be asked whet I am doing and how.  It would show myself that I'm strong enough to overcome this (like I quite smoking cold turkey).  I'm proud of that.  My constant failures when it comes to my weight is heartbreaking.
Final note, I'm proud of myself that I got of my touche and actually got on the treadmill!  It wasn't a perfect day food wise as I had my smoothie for breakfast, then a Tim's coffee and then McDonald's for lunch.  (Shane had dentist at 11 and promised him McDonald's for lunch that he took back to school).  I did have a big dinner!  Green beans with soy sauce, sirloin steak and white potatoes.  Portion size was huge but at least I recognize that and really have to learn to talk to myself more in my head about making good choices.  So far, I feel very overwhelmed at this whole prospect.  It's a lot easier to just keep doing what I'm doing however, how much would I weigh then?  I don't want to find out!  We'll it's 10pm - I should get some sleep!  No more late nights!

Good Night World!

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