Well, what's happened...hmmm. We all went up to Bridesville to see Bo, Jenn, Ben and Danny for the Canada Day long weekend. We left on June 30th and came home on the 2nd. Short trip I know. We had a great time though. Ben and Danny were in the Canada Day parade in Osoyoos with their daycare. The theme of their float was 'Cars" the movie. Irene (the daycare provider) decorated her truck with painted canvas and attached a tow to look like Mater. The trailer was decked out in Cars memorabilia and the kids were dressed up in characters from the movie made from boxes that were painted. They looked so great! I'll try to upload pictures.
The boys had a fantastic time with their cousins. Shane was in love with the dogs. They have a golden lab and a black lab. The first day Shane got caught between the wagging tails and was knocked down but he soon learned how to maneuver around them. At one point, Joey (the golden lab) was in his dog house and Shane just walked right up to him, squatted down and was petting him. I'm sure if he could crawl inside he would have. Dave took Shane down to see the horses (they have 2) and he had no fear of them either.
For the trip I had packed lots of snacks and sandwiches for the road trip. When we got there Dave unloaded everything in the room where we were crashing. One of the dogs sniffed out the sandwiches in the cooler and managed to pop off the lid to the cooler. When I went down there, all I found was ripped ziplock baggie all over the place. On the last day, Jenn drove the kids and I down to the golf course where Bo and Dave played a round. We had lunch and Ryan didn't want to eat his. I wrapped it up for the trip (knowing he would be hungry) and would you believe it, one of the dogs got it. Napkin everywhere. Hilarious! Ryan whined he was hungry but sorry, no sandwich....lol.
Friday, I had a wonderful birthday. Ryan sang to me on several occasions. Both Dave and Charmaine sang Happy Birthday to me on the machine. We ordered Rendez Vous dinner which Dave picked up. Yum, souvlaki! Dave surprised me with flowers and a chocolate ice cream cake. Doesn't get better than that! Kaitlyn also drew me a great picture of one of her characters. I received some beautiful flowers from Tracy and Melissa when they came to club on Saturday.....much appreciated but definitely not neccessary! I was spoiled. And Charmaine, came over Sunday bearing a card, gift card for cotton ginny and a 'coupon' for dinner and a movie......can't wait to do that for sure!
If you check out my craft blog, I also received a lot of great birhtday RAK's. (random acts of kindness) There are some really talented crafters out there that I fully intend to CASE (copy and share everything)
I'm attempting to put together my 10x10 awning which I've had for months. The instructions say it takes 2 people and that is why it has sat there but I think I can put it together by myself. I started it today but then it got to stinking hot outside for me to continue. The boys wouldn't even come outside. You know its hot then. I'm going to try and get up early to finish. (Doubtful, but we'll see) It's supposed to get up to 37 degrees here tomorrow. Looks like a movie day!
I'm in a desperate search for a small pool! I have a raincheck for Canadian Tire but that doesn't guarantee me a pool, just the sale price. I'm to call in 10 days as they won't put me on a list to call when they come in. pfff. I think I'll get a sprinkler of some kind, much to Dave's shagrin but we need to cool off somehow.
I have some projects I need to start working on. I have joined a swap to make kid/baby cards. I'm in two groups, so I need to make 4 of one kind and 4 of another. Easy. I also need to make a 60th Wedding Anniversary card for Lia to give to her friends and a Thank you card for her Physiotherapist, Judy. Also a b-day card for Jenn and Ruby...then I'll get a tiny break until I need to make patient cards again and come up with our Scrap Club layouts for August.
I also need to start going through some stuff in the basement and purge as I need to clear the space for when Aysha and Yoda come to stay. (I hope you don't mind sleeping in the basement) I just thought you might like the privacy. I'm in the search (Charmaine too) for an area rug and I'll put a tv down there for ya. It's a low ceiling but it's just for sleeping.
I think that's it for now. Hopefully will update sooner.
Hope everyone is beating the heat!
Good update. I like the parade!
sounds like the trip was a nice break and looks like Yoda will have a buddy in Shane :o) What naughty dogs eating all the food! I can't believe it's that hot there you lucky thing the highest it's got here is like 22. So is playing in a sprinkler too 'common' for Dave then lol! I remember doing that as a kid, great fun. Sounds like you've got tons going on with your crafts and life in general. I'm sooo glad you had a good birthday and I'll have to offer you a very late bday present of a meal out when I arrive. The basement is fine with me, I just really, really, really appreciate you letting me stay with you lot!
Take care, big hugs
That looked like so much fun!!
First of all a BIG HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!! Sorry I missed it, but as you can appreciate July has been a very hectic month!
We've got to get together soon. After next week, I'm back to 3 days a week...YAY!!! Maybe we can arrange something then!!
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