Thursday, June 7

Yarrow Days and Kaitlyn's 16th Birthday.

Well, of course I forgot our camera when we went to Yarrow days. It of course was stinking hot! The parade was great as always and the park was filled with live music, the smell of bbq and the sound of festival! We left there, had McDonald's for lunch as I was still getting stuff ready for the party and didn't want to have to cook lunch too! We had the McAuley's over, Dave's brother John, Dave's mom Lia and Kaitlyn's cousins, Brandy and Kirsten. It's amazing how they've changed over the years. Of course, it's hard to believe that Dave and I have been together for 10 years! Some days it seems like more, lol, but really, where has the time gone? I have included some pictures from the birthday, and sorry I haven't been around to update.

Guess What?