Sunday, April 2

My Positive and Negative Lists

Suzanne suggested that I make a list of Positive and a list of Negative so my therapy with Alex is more focused and directed. I would guess that this list will never be complete and will probably have to edit every once in a while but this is what I have started with. This post is for my soul comments needed.


New house
Good Memories
Mom and I used to play lots of games together
Mom and I would play games for DQ treats
Every Saturday was cleaning and grocery shopping day so Sunday was for us
Remember making tea for mom
Dad and I rode the motorcycle into Vancouver, he took me to see Clash of the Titans
Ben's Market
Remember sitting in A LOT of new cars, pushing all of the buttons, and wanting a TC-3
Camping/fishing as a kid with Grandma and Grandpa at Lac Le Jeune
Spring and summer break with the Schusters
Horse racing
Joanne's cottage
Walk of Fame event where I got to meet Keifer Sutherland


My body pain
Death of my mom - 1988 - 34 years old
Death of my grandma - 2006 - 84 years old
Death of my dad - 2006 - 73 years old
Death of my grandpa - 1983 - 64 years old
Death of my uncle Denny - 1973 - early 20's
Death of my aunt Denyse - 1983 - ????
Dad was an alcoholic
Remember mom choking me when I was very young until I passed out in the spare room closet
Remember several times being harassed by dad when he was drunk and came home late
Remember fighting with dad when he was drunk after mom died and me moving out
Remember mom and dad fighting to the point where dad took a swing at mom, ripping her pearl earring out of her ear. We left that night and stayed in a hotel.
Mike stealing money from me to party. That was the end of our relationship.
Working two jobs to support Mike and I while he "hung out"
Couple of car accidents
Feel ripped off having this pain, not being able to do all the things I had planned for after we moved like working out, taking Shane for walks in the new stroller, and working in the yard, and tending to the house.
Had trouble conceiving Ryan - took 2 years after many procedures and surgeries
Ryan's traumatic birth - 5 days of labour and emergency c-section with lots of drugs
Post op infection - hospitalized for 3 weeks, 6 weeks home care, lots of drugs
Feel ripped off, feel like I missed a lot of Ryan's infancy

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