Well, it's been awhile since I blogged. Just trying to make the time to do it. Anyway, Easter was great! The Easter Bunny came and scattered eggs all over our new back yard. Dave's mom Lia came and also our friends Suzanne, Mike and Jared. The hunt was for both Jared and Ryan. Of course Bud knew exactly what to do as he is a seasoned egg finder. This is Ryan's first year doing this sort of thing. When I woke up in the morning it was pouring rain. I thought, oh great, I'm not going to be able to do

the hunt, but then the skies cleared and actually peaked out some sunshine. I did however put all of the candy filled eggs into sandwich baggies so that the candy wouldn't get wrecked. Call me anal. Anyway, Mike recycled, and will use them in his shop. Thanks Mike. I made a ham, lasagne, crab & artichoke & spinach dip. Suzy brought me some beautiful daffodils. Thank you Suzy! I always LOVE flowers. Dave actually bought me some beautiful Tulips which I just threw away today. He even got me a card. How thoughtful eh? Anyway, I hope my guests had as good a time as I did that day! Thank you Jared for being such a good sport about it all and letting Ryan find a few eggs too! Look at his loot! Ryan grazed on his loot for a few days. Finally between all of us, we've managed to clear it all out of the house! Oh, except for some chocolate that Oma gave Ryan, which I have hidden. hehehe
Today was a 'task oriented' day. Suzanne, I know you're smiling when you read this. Anyway, Took Ryan to school, and for the first time, had time to stop at Tim Horton's for a decaf on the way. Instead of taking off after dropping Ryan off, I put Shane in the stroller and walked into Yarrow to the post office. I was sending Dr. Mackie some dictation tapes. It's just easier for me to get Dave to pick them up from the office since he's in Abbotsford everyday working. I keep forgetting to put the tapes I've erased into his lunch box to return. So I decided to mail them. I had five. I got back to the school with tonnes of time to spare so I hopped in the van and drove into Chilliwack to return the movies from the weekend. We rented, Fun with Dick and Jane, and Derailed. Both were pretty good flicks. Then for some reason still had time, so drove by the house and to the mailbox to get the mail, then back to Yarrow. Still had time to kill before his pickup so I drove up and around Majuba Hill. What a glorious day it was today. Windows down, shades on, light breeze. Just awesome. Except for my foot was just killing me. Damn arthritis. Got to the school with still 15 minutes to spare. Just chatted with some of the moms before the kids were let out. Chenoa has asked me over for coffee on Wednesday which will be nice to visit. From school, we went directly to Oma's. I nursed Shane

as by this time he was starving. Lia made me a sandwich and a pop and we sat and visited for about an hour before we headed to Linen's n Things. In their flyer was a sofa slipcover for $29.99. I had the 20% coupon. How could you go wrong? I asked a sales clerk and apparently they were all sold out my noon on Saturday. I was SOL. I did get some hand towels for the downstairs bathroom. Hard to match that green. I got a cream colored one and a celedron colored one. It will do. We all then went to Tim Horton's at West Oaks, had a coffee and a doughnut. Shane was a quick one today, he grabbed the plate and flung it on the floor, smashing it into a bunch of bits. Yikes. Sorry. Took Lia home and was home by 3:50. I am pooped! I went on Linen's N Things.com and bought the Sofa slipcover, but all they had left was Sage. The loveseat one was 59.99. No thanks. Our family room couch is the one that needs help anyway. When we had cats, they attacked. It looks like crap. Anyways, can't wait for that to come. I have to say that I have totally gone on an Ebay frenzy. I'm not even going to list the things that I've bought as there are too many and I want to go watch Prison Break now. Catch you all on the flip side and be sure to get things done this week while the stars are behind us!
1 comment:
It's so nice to see you blogging again! Well, you can check that off your list of what to do!
Yes, we all had a great time at your place as well, good friendship, good food, and good chocolate!
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