We may not have much, but what we do have has to end up in the right hands when we're gone. This is something that I have learned with my dad's situation. He did have an old will but some 'loser' tried to fake a will and take it all. It's a morbid topic, but if you don't inform your loved one's of your wishes, it can be all taken away without you knowing it. I believe my sister Joanne has finally gotten the ball rolling on getting my dad's sorted out. Of course the laws are different from province to province. Here in B.C. wills are registered, where in Ontario, they are not. Good fact to know.
Now that we have children, it's important to Dave and I that we get our wills in order so that our kids are teken care of. Like I said before, we may not have much financially, but what we do have we want our children to inheret. Marco is going to take care of all the details for us. Anyone need a good lawyer? He's the man. He is my bosses brother-in-law. Great guy! Also, just found out that my bosses sister Karen works for Marco at the Agassiz office. We chatted for a bit and she's sending us the paperwork to get the ball rolling on getting our wills done. It feels good to know that we're getting things in order.
On another note, Anu's mom and dad are going to be coming to the house on Wednesday to set up an RESP for Shane. I have one through them for Ryan. I put in just the minimum of $25 per month and hopefully someday will be able to afford more. At this point, I feel that something is better than nothing. My child tax credit just covers the investment. At least it's going to the kids and I'm not wasting it away on something stupid. I feel good knowing that I have that in order now too.
At this point, I may not be able to do a lot physically, but I can at least do these little planning things. That puts my mind at ease. It's funny the things you learn to understand as you get older. The things your parents or grandparents told you, you would understand when you grew up. How cool is that? Next thing on my agenda, when finances permits is life insurance. We do have it for the mortgage but outside of that, I believe we need more. In due time I guess.

1 comment:
Wow i read your last post. sorry you had such a sad past. Take care!!
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