Does anyone else feel like time is just flying by? Anyhow, it was quite the day. Ryan had a school mate's birthday party to go to in Yarrow. His name is Jacob. In my previous post you can see the birthday card that I made for him. Well, first off, getting ready to leave the house, almost made it on time too. I asked Ryan to take a quick pee before we left. What happens you ask? Well, he ended up getting his sweatshirt, pants AND underwear wet. I have no idea what he was looking at while he was peeing. I LOST it. Now we're going to be late. Upstairs to change him from head to toe. We get into Yarrow, and I can't find the house. Luckily, I programmed Jacob's mom's phone number in my phone before we left, just in case. It's weird, their address is Yarrow Central, yet their house faces Cherry Street, driveway is on Cherry Street too. Anyhow, get there and all the kids there are kids from his class. You would think he would feel at ease around them. NOPE! I told Ryan that I was going over to Auntie Charmaines and that I would be back in a little bit for him. He was having none of that. He just started sobbing and saying that he was coming with me. Jacob's mom Diana offered for me to stay, which I did for a little bit. See, I had promised Charmaine that I would watch Emily in her ballet recital. I wanted to video tape it for them. This started at 1pm. Ryan would not leave my side. We ended up leaving. Diana gave Ryan a loot bag and cool remote car and paint book. Even after his little "scene". I don't know why I get so mad about Ryan doing this. It is ultimately his choice. I just don't want him to have any regrets and I don't want him missing out on stuff or alienating himself from making friends. I was painfully shy when I was little, and I still remember how painful that was. I don't want that for Ryan. We went and watched Emily dance. She was great. I got some good video of her. Now all I have to do is buy a USB cord so I can burn it on a DVD for them. Of course when we got home, Shane went down for a nap. Ryan kept saying that now he would like that hotdog and cake that was offered to him while we were at Jacob's. I told him the party was over and that he missed out because he wouldn't stay without me. I don't know why he acts this way. It's not like I have EVER left him anywhere. He has never even had a babysitter. I mean, I'm glad he loves me and all but, this behaviour is to the extreme.
I asked him before he went to bed if he wanted to go to McDonald's tomorrow for Brookliyn's birthday party and he said "no thanks". (We're going) Of course I'm staying this time because the party is in Abbotsford. I'm not going to commute back and forth. That would be a total waste of gas. Hopefully, I can get Ryan into the spirit by getting him to help me wrap Brooklyn's present. I purposely left it unwrapped for the last couple of weeks so he could help me.
If you're wondering, YES, I had to change my blog because my previous blog outline was screwing up. It was putting my Profile and Links etc way down at the bottom. So, I changed it to fix it. What do you think? Do you like this one?
Saturday, May 27
Friday, May 26
What a Day!

Well, busy day so far....hopefully we can take it easy this evening. Ryan had a field trip to Greenhill Acres . In fine Ryan fashion, he was attached to my hip and didn't really want to participate with the group. At least the rain held out until we were leaving. It was a cool place. I hope to go back up there
this summer. They sell beef that they raise right there and they have a little country store with canned goods and butters, special soaps etc. Ryan finally warmed up at the end.
I decided to attempt to make a birthday card for Ryan's friend Jacob. He is going to his birthday party on Saturday. Check it out. Tell me what you think. I think it is a little busy myself, but it was the first time I have made this cool card. I will do things differently next time. Jacob probably won't care anyway.
Wednesday, May 24

Everyone has them....I seem to want to do something, I think and think about it, then I start it, among many other things I want to do and seem to work on a bunch of things at one time, never finishing any one thing. Well, I've been wanting to take a picture of our rhodo outside before the blooms fall to the ground. W

I've started a hook carpet for Ryan's room as he has laminate flooring and it would be nice for when he gets out of bed to have something warm and soft to put his feet upon in the morning. He picked it out. It's of Simba and....the girl lion, I can't remember her name. Ryan never really liked the movie, but he really likes this rug. I've been working on this for about oh, two months. Still have quite a bit to do.
I've also been working on another craft project that I want to give as a gift. I don't want to say what it is just yet as the recipient may read this blog and I wouldn't want to give away the secret. Because of my rheumatoid arthritis, this project has literally taken me months. I do however, work on it a little bit each day. I pray I get it done in time.
I have also set up my dining room table with ALL of my scrapbooking stuff and card making stuff. What an overwhelming area. I didn't realize I had so much stuff. Like I had said to Sue not too long ago. I need to stop buying stuff and actually use the stuff that I have. I have enough stuff to make a LOT of stuff.

Here are my most recent and favorite creations.

I also have a couple of books that I want to get read. I've started them but of course have not found the time to continue with them. With the kids, it is kind of impossible as they are never quiet at the same time. Of course I also have some cleaning projects I want to get done and some yard work as well, but my body can only do so much. The house cleaning thing is not eally a priority as it is not my favorite thing to do, but I do think about lots of stuff. I think that is about it. If I think of other projects that I have forgotten, I will post later.
Sunday, May 21
Week of the heat wave.........
It seems that I only get time to blog about once a week. What a week weather wise. This house is a cooker! Expecially the upstairs bedrooms. Dave really needs to get John to come over and help him install the air conditioner. I'm thinking of buying a portable air conditioner to cool off the upstairs. Nothing worse than not being able to sleep. Porr Shane, he was up every hour on the hour Tuesday night becuase of the heat. He was just sweating. Ryan managed better. I ended up bringing Shane into our bed because we at least have a ceiling fan. Speaking of which, Shane hasn't really had a good sleeping week. Friday and Saturday night were brutal. Friday night he was up every hour on the hour through the night. Saturday night he was up every 2 hours. Both nights I ended up bringing him to our bed at about 4am becuase physically, I couldn't take it anymore. The extreme cold an the extreme heat really make the rheumatoid arthritis flare. I need to move to a place where it is a constant 20 degrees year round.

A few firsts for my little munchkin Shane. I have started him on mixed cereal as he has been eating organic rice cereal for about five weeks. I tried giving him peas which he made funny faces and gagged. He hasn't minded the orgainc carrots. He at least liked the carrots better than the avacado. Tonight is sweet potatoes. I'm sure he'll like that. I'll let you know. He sure is interested in everything that we're eating. Dave was holding him at the dinner table last night when we were having dessert. He actually got a hold of Dave's plate, but Dave got it away from him before any damage was done. Shane also had another first. It was his first week in the big tub in his seat. Oh, he loves his bath now. He really loves getting mommy soaked! Ryan loves watching him in the bath. He just wants to pile him in toys but I tell him no. Let him play with the water and maybe one toy until he gets good at the whole bath thing.
We had Kaitlyn this weekend. Next time we see her she will be 15 years old. Her birthday is on the 31st of May. Hard to believe. Time sure goes by fast. On Satuday, we had Dave's mom over for dinner. Well, she cooked the turkey and I put on the rest of the dinner. Yummy! I love turkey. Especially the sandwiches the next day. Unfortunately, turkey doesn't last very long around here. For dessert I picked up individual angel food cakes, strawberries and real whipping cream. Very scrumptious. We gave Dave's mom a tomato plant to take home. We'll see if she gets any tomatoes from it. Our garden got planted on Mother's Day. Hopefully all that dining room table hard work pays off and we actually get to reap what we sow. Fresh veggies, you can't beat it. For anyone who was wondering or cares, the rhodo out front is a beautiful red! I'm so happy. It is definately a late bloomer but worth it! I also have peonies out there in a circle of rocks. I thought the old owners used to used it as a fire pit or for rituals of some sor t as it looked funny, but now with the peonies at about 2 1/2 feet and bushy, it looks quite cute! They are red also. Dave's mom had come over a week ago thursday and we picked some rhubarb. The "Dutch" way is to peel it and chop it up. We got two big ziploc baggies full. I put one bag in the freezer and gave a bag to Charmaine. I want to give some to Suzanne in trade for her awesome rhubarb muffin recipe. hint hint. Also have a tomato plant for you. We need to make a date....:)
It's been a full week of season finale's. I'm sad that Elliot got kicked from American Idol. I'm now routing for Taylor. My favorite was Chris, but he's gone too. It was also the season finale of Prison Break which totally left me hanging. Grey's Anatomy, was that great or what? And then ER which I just watched today. My problem is, is that I never know when they start again. Tonight is the big 2 hour season finale of Desperate Housewives so we all know what I'll be doing. I usually tape it just in case I get beckoned by Shane, so I better sign off and set that up before I forget.
Until next time...

A few firsts for my little munchkin Shane. I have started him on mixed cereal as he has been eating organic rice cereal for about five weeks. I tried giving him peas which he made funny faces and gagged. He hasn't minded the orgainc carrots. He at least liked the carrots better than the avacado. Tonight is sweet potatoes. I'm sure he'll like that. I'll let you know. He sure is interested in everything that we're eating. Dave was holding him at the dinner table last night when we were having dessert. He actually got a hold of Dave's plate, but Dave got it away from him before any damage was done. Shane also had another first. It was his first week in the big tub in his seat. Oh, he loves his bath now. He really loves getting mommy soaked! Ryan loves watching him in the bath. He just wants to pile him in toys but I tell him no. Let him play with the water and maybe one toy until he gets good at the whole bath thing.
We had Kaitlyn this weekend. Next time we see her she will be 15 years old. Her birthday is on the 31st of May. Hard to believe. Time sure goes by fast. On Satuday, we had Dave's mom over for dinner. Well, she cooked the turkey and I put on the rest of the dinner. Yummy! I love turkey. Especially the sandwiches the next day. Unfortunately, turkey doesn't last very long around here. For dessert I picked up individual angel food cakes, strawberries and real whipping cream. Very scrumptious. We gave Dave's mom a tomato plant to take home. We'll see if she gets any tomatoes from it. Our garden got planted on Mother's Day. Hopefully all that dining room table hard work pays off and we actually get to reap what we sow. Fresh veggies, you can't beat it. For anyone who was wondering or cares, the rhodo out front is a beautiful red! I'm so happy. It is definately a late bloomer but worth it! I also have peonies out there in a circle of rocks. I thought the old owners used to used it as a fire pit or for rituals of some sor t as it looked funny, but now with the peonies at about 2 1/2 feet and bushy, it looks quite cute! They are red also. Dave's mom had come over a week ago thursday and we picked some rhubarb. The "Dutch" way is to peel it and chop it up. We got two big ziploc baggies full. I put one bag in the freezer and gave a bag to Charmaine. I want to give some to Suzanne in trade for her awesome rhubarb muffin recipe. hint hint. Also have a tomato plant for you. We need to make a date....:)
It's been a full week of season finale's. I'm sad that Elliot got kicked from American Idol. I'm now routing for Taylor. My favorite was Chris, but he's gone too. It was also the season finale of Prison Break which totally left me hanging. Grey's Anatomy, was that great or what? And then ER which I just watched today. My problem is, is that I never know when they start again. Tonight is the big 2 hour season finale of Desperate Housewives so we all know what I'll be doing. I usually tape it just in case I get beckoned by Shane, so I better sign off and set that up before I forget.
Until next time...
Friday, May 12
So far so good...
Well the transitioning is going well! There have been two nights out of the last seven that Shane has slept from like 7:30 until 4-4:30 in the morning. What a treat it is to sleep without hesitation of rolling on him. I'm getting a better sleep, even though I'm getting up periodically to feed him. It's usually only 15-20 minutes then back in his crib and I go back to bed. Last night was a little hellish. I had put him down to sleep and my body was starting to act up real bad. I can tell when the weather is going to change.
Ryan's hair before....
I couldn't really sleep because I hurt like crazy. Shane woke the first time around 10:30. I was in the middle of doing my dictations and only had like 2 left to do. I ran upstairs, nursed him and put him back down. He cried for a little bit before he was quiet. Then he woke again. I finished my dictations and let him cry to see if he would fall asleep. It was only like 10 minutes. I then went back upstairs and just took him to bed with me as nursing sitting up really bothers my arthritic hands. His body weight pushing against me holding him is really painful. I just wanted to get some sleep as well, so I took him to bed and nursed him to sleep. The next time he woke, I fed him and put him back in the crib. He barely cried for a second and was asleep. the next time he woke, I just went and got him and brought him back to bed as I was still really hurting. Usually I get up around 7am to get ready and take Ryan to school. However, because of the lack of sleep, I slept until 8:20 and Shane until 8:30. He only woke because he heard me mulling about. Ryan has to be at school for 9:15 and it's a 15 minute drive from here to Yarrow. You never seen anyone motor so fast. We made it though. Ryan got his hair cut yesterday. What a handsome kid if I don't say so myself. He has so much hair! Thick and lots of it! He gets quite the mop happening. Shane's new thing is he is starting to sit unassisted. He will eventually start to lean to the side and will fall but can sit on his own for quite awhile. My sister sent me her video camera as she got a new one. I went and bought a tape for it today and hopefully will be able to start shooting video with it once I figure it out. Nothing else really exciting around here. Wishing all you MOMS out there a wonderful Mother's Day and hopefully you are all treated like Queens! Love to you all!
This is Ryan's hair after....Nice eh? and Shane sitting on his own. Look at that posture!
Ryan's hair before....

I couldn't really sleep because I hurt like crazy. Shane woke the first time around 10:30. I was in the middle of doing my dictations and only had like 2 left to do. I ran upstairs, nursed him and put him back down. He cried for a little bit before he was quiet. Then he woke again. I finished my dictations and let him cry to see if he would fall asleep. It was only like 10 minutes. I then went back upstairs and just took him to bed with me as nursing sitting up really bothers my arthritic hands. His body weight pushing against me holding him is really painful. I just wanted to get some sleep as well, so I took him to bed and nursed him to sleep. The next time he woke, I fed him and put him back in the crib. He barely cried for a second and was asleep. the next time he woke, I just went and got him and brought him back to bed as I was still really hurting. Usually I get up around 7am to get ready and take Ryan to school. However, because of the lack of sleep, I slept until 8:20 and Shane until 8:30. He only woke because he heard me mulling about. Ryan has to be at school for 9:15 and it's a 15 minute drive from here to Yarrow. You never seen anyone motor so fast. We made it though. Ryan got his hair cut yesterday. What a handsome kid if I don't say so myself. He has so much hair! Thick and lots of it! He gets quite the mop happening. Shane's new thing is he is starting to sit unassisted. He will eventually start to lean to the side and will fall but can sit on his own for quite awhile. My sister sent me her video camera as she got a new one. I went and bought a tape for it today and hopefully will be able to start shooting video with it once I figure it out. Nothing else really exciting around here. Wishing all you MOMS out there a wonderful Mother's Day and hopefully you are all treated like Queens! Love to you all!

This is Ryan's hair after....Nice eh? and Shane sitting on his own. Look at that posture!
Sunday, May 7
Well, this little cold of mine is driving me crazy. The coughing especially. Blowing my nose I can handle, but that little tickle, crazy. Anyhow on Wednesday night, I'm hacking away, (making Shane cry while he was nursing) and runny nose. Shane fell asleep (At this point, he slept with us) and was rolling side to side kicking me and shaking his head. I could not get to sleep. When Dave came up to bed, I asked him he would please put Shane in his crib because there was no way I was going to get any sleep. I was so agitated. So, he did, no fuss, no muss. Dave got into bed and immediately started to snore. I still couldn't get to sleep. After I had finally drifted off around midnight, I would promptly wake up every hour on the hour listening for Shane. Nothing. He slept in his crib from between 10:30-11pm until 4am. For him, that is a long time. Dave got up and got him for me and I nursed him in bed and kept him beside me. Sue came over the next day so we could work on making some cards. We always have lots to say to each other, and getting set up takes a long time too. We both got our Mother's Day cards done. I have to say though, we put a lot of love and thought into our cards, that is why it was the only one we accomplished in the four hours. Anyways, I decided that because Shane did so well in the crib, that maybe it would be a good time to start transitioning him to his crib. We have a king size bed and I sleep on the edge for peets sake. I also worry about his safety during nap times. He now rolls over free flowingly, and when he is asleep on his back, he pushes his feet into the mattress and moves his whole body around. I would find him in the strangest positions. I really don't want him to fall off the bed. So, on thursday, first nap - only half an hour. It is only day one though. Afternoon nap, nursed him in the chair, then put him in his crib, with his suckie and the mobile music on. He cried a little bit, then finally crashed. He slept an hour and a half. (That's good, but he usually naps for 21/2 to 3 hours in the afternoon). He had another late afternoon nap for 1/2 hour. All in all pretty good. Dave had ball and was leaving at 7pm which is usually Shane's bed time. I headed upstairs as Dave was getting ready to go. I nursed him and put him in his crib with suckie and the mobile again. He cried a little, I rubbed his head and told hiim I loved him and shhhhh'd him. By the time I got down the stairs, he was quiet. I was downstairs before Dave had left for ball. I woke up every hour on the hour after midnight listening for Shane. Nothing.
This isn't him in his crib, but isn't he cute when he's sleeping?

He slept from 7pm to 5:15am. WOW! Dave got him for me and again I nursed him in bed and snuggled with him. That is when I finally got some sleep. Friday's naps were all screwed up as I took Ryan to preschool, but then ran some errands. He would just start to fall asleep in the van, and I would take him out. He is not the type of kid who will stay asleep. He doesn't want to miss anything. We were in and out of the van about 6 times before we went to get Ryan from school. We then came home and we kept on with the crib sleep. I have stuck to my guns and he is in his crib as we speak.
Today, the whole Macfarlane clan went to the movie theater to see Ice Age 2. I really enjoyed it. Ryan liked it, and the popcorn. He tends to get a little anxious after about an hour but he made it. In the beginning, I think Shane was a little scared becuase it was loud and dark. He cried a little, I held him and tried to nurse, but the movie was too loud and distracting. After about 5 minutes, he was watching the movie with us. The move started at 1:30. Shanes nap time is usually 1pm. He watched the movie until 2:15 and was rubbing his eyes, so I just layed him in my arms and cradled him with his suckie and he drifted off to sleep for the rest of the movie. No fuss or crying. I am soooo lucky to have such a great baby. Ryan is great too, but Shane surprises me everyday! You expect a certain outcome and he amazingly surprises you with ease. I love my boys to bits. I did try to start Shane on some peas but he puked them all up. So, I returned to the rice cereal. (the peas were mixed with ric
e cereal but I don't think they were pureed enough) I'll have to wait until my baby food grinder comes. By fork, I don't think it was mushy enough. I'll try again when it gets here. I'm pooped and am headed to bed with room too roll. Goodnight!
This is Shane not liking the peas too much.
This isn't him in his crib, but isn't he cute when he's sleeping?

He slept from 7pm to 5:15am. WOW! Dave got him for me and again I nursed him in bed and snuggled with him. That is when I finally got some sleep. Friday's naps were all screwed up as I took Ryan to preschool, but then ran some errands. He would just start to fall asleep in the van, and I would take him out. He is not the type of kid who will stay asleep. He doesn't want to miss anything. We were in and out of the van about 6 times before we went to get Ryan from school. We then came home and we kept on with the crib sleep. I have stuck to my guns and he is in his crib as we speak.
Today, the whole Macfarlane clan went to the movie theater to see Ice Age 2. I really enjoyed it. Ryan liked it, and the popcorn. He tends to get a little anxious after about an hour but he made it. In the beginning, I think Shane was a little scared becuase it was loud and dark. He cried a little, I held him and tried to nurse, but the movie was too loud and distracting. After about 5 minutes, he was watching the movie with us. The move started at 1:30. Shanes nap time is usually 1pm. He watched the movie until 2:15 and was rubbing his eyes, so I just layed him in my arms and cradled him with his suckie and he drifted off to sleep for the rest of the movie. No fuss or crying. I am soooo lucky to have such a great baby. Ryan is great too, but Shane surprises me everyday! You expect a certain outcome and he amazingly surprises you with ease. I love my boys to bits. I did try to start Shane on some peas but he puked them all up. So, I returned to the rice cereal. (the peas were mixed with ric

This is Shane not liking the peas too much.
Wednesday, May 3
Plugging along...
Well, time certainly flies by doesn't it? Saturday was terrible weather wise. It poured rain. Went by myself to Karolyn's baby shower. I met Cassandra and Nancy at IGA and followed Cassandra to Suzanne's house. I couldn't quite remember how to get there. As I pulled up, there were balloons everywhere. Pink balloons. Balloons that said It's a Girl on them. I had no idea that she had found out that they were having a girl. She got a lot of pink! Food and company was great! It was kind of nice being on my own for a couple of hours. Dave stayed home with the boys. On my way home, I stopped at Zellers to pick up some wrapping paper as Ryan had a birthday party to go to at the Yarro

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