Well, this little cold of mine is driving me crazy. The coughing especially. Blowing my nose I can handle, but that little tickle, crazy. Anyhow on Wednesday night, I'm hacking away, (making Shane cry while he was nursing) and runny nose. Shane fell asleep (At this point, he slept with us) and was rolling side to side kicking me and shaking his head. I could not get to sleep. When Dave came up to bed, I asked him he would please put Shane in his crib because there was no way I was going to get any sleep. I was so agitated. So, he did, no fuss, no muss. Dave got into bed and immediately started to snore. I still couldn't get to sleep. After I had finally drifted off around midnight, I would promptly wake up every hour on the hour listening for Shane. Nothing. He slept in his crib from between 10:30-11pm until 4am. For him, that is a long time. Dave got up and got him for me and I nursed him in bed and kept him beside me. Sue came over the next day so we could work on making some cards. We always have lots to say to each other, and getting set up takes a long time too. We both got our Mother's Day cards done. I have to say though, we put a lot of love and thought into our cards, that is why it was the only one we accomplished in the four hours. Anyways, I decided that because Shane did so well in the crib, that maybe it would be a good time to start transitioning him to his crib. We have a king size bed and I sleep on the edge for peets sake. I also worry about his safety during nap times. He now rolls over free flowingly, and when he is asleep on his back, he pushes his feet into the mattress and moves his whole body around. I would find him in the strangest positions. I really don't want him to fall off the bed. So, on thursday, first nap - only half an hour. It is only day one though. Afternoon nap, nursed him in the chair, then put him in his crib, with his suckie and the mobile music on. He cried a little bit, then finally crashed. He slept an hour and a half. (That's good, but he usually naps for 21/2 to 3 hours in the afternoon). He had another late afternoon nap for 1/2 hour. All in all pretty good. Dave had ball and was leaving at 7pm which is usually Shane's bed time. I headed upstairs as Dave was getting ready to go. I nursed him and put him in his crib with suckie and the mobile again. He cried a little, I rubbed his head and told hiim I loved him and shhhhh'd him. By the time I got down the stairs, he was quiet. I was downstairs before Dave had left for ball. I woke up every hour on the hour after midnight listening for Shane. Nothing.
This isn't him in his crib, but isn't he cute when he's sleeping?
He slept from 7pm to 5:15am. WOW! Dave got him for me and again I nursed him in bed and snuggled with him. That is when I finally got some sleep. Friday's naps were all screwed up as I took Ryan to preschool, but then ran some errands. He would just start to fall asleep in the van, and I would take him out. He is not the type of kid who will stay asleep. He doesn't want to miss anything. We were in and out of the van about 6 times before we went to get Ryan from school. We then came home and we kept on with the crib sleep. I have stuck to my guns and he is in his crib as we speak.
Today, the whole Macfarlane clan went to the movie theater to see Ice Age 2. I really enjoyed it. Ryan liked it, and the popcorn. He tends to get a little anxious after about an hour but he made it. In the beginning, I think Shane was a little scared becuase it was loud and dark. He cried a little, I held him and tried to nurse, but the movie was too loud and distracting. After about 5 minutes, he was watching the movie with us. The move started at 1:30. Shanes nap time is usually 1pm. He watched the movie until 2:15 and was rubbing his eyes, so I just layed him in my arms and cradled him with his suckie and he drifted off to sleep for the rest of the movie. No fuss or crying. I am soooo lucky to have such a great baby. Ryan is great too, but Shane surprises me everyday! You expect a certain outcome and he amazingly surprises you with ease. I love my boys to bits. I did try to start Shane on some peas but he puked them all up. So, I returned to the rice cereal. (the peas were mixed with ric

e cereal but I don't think they were pureed enough) I'll have to wait until my baby food grinder comes. By fork, I don't think it was mushy enough. I'll try again when it gets here. I'm pooped and am headed to bed with room too roll. Goodnight!
This is Shane not liking the peas too much.
That last picture of Shane is WAY too adorable!! He is getting so big! What a cutie, good luck with the transition.
What a cutie! Happy Transitioning! And I hope you and Ryan are feeling better. I enjoyed our time together too! As per usual, not enough time to really get things rolling! We did accomplish a great card though, I look forward to creating more of our ideas.
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