Don't they look like brother's?
Well, time certainly flies by doesn't it? Saturday was terrible weather wise. It poured rain. Went by myself to Karolyn's baby shower. I met Cassandra and Nancy at IGA and followed Cassandra to Suzanne's house. I couldn't quite remember how to get there. As I pulled up, there were balloons everywhere. Pink balloons. Balloons that said It's a Girl on them. I had no idea that she had found out that they were having a girl. She got a lot of pink! Food and company was great! It was kind of nice being on my own for a couple of hours. Dave stayed home with the boys. On my way home, I stopped at Zellers to pick up some wrapping paper as Ryan had a birthday party to go to at the Yarro

w Community Centre on Sunday for a classmate of his. Her name is Emily. There were about 30 kids there. Unbelievable. While Ryan was at the party, I zipped into Abbotsford to the Bay and bought a new booster seat for Ryan and the truck and also bought a highchair for Shane. It's so great to be able to put him in there while we're eating supper and to feed him too. Emily's mom is from Panama, so there was lots of food, latin music, all the girls wore their party dresses and of course a Pinata. Ryan wanted nothing to do with the pinata. He kept telling me that his hands were too small for the great big stick. He had a good time though. Next day, Ryan woke up with a cough. Well, guess what, thanks to Ryan for sharing. Now I'm sick. My immunity isn't the greatest with this rheumatod thing, and I have been going to bed late so I know it's my own fault for getting sick. But, when I'm sick, I'm grumpy. Sore throat, runny nose, hoarse cough, yuk! Hopefully, I will recover from this quickly. Ryan begged me to take him to McDonalds to play after school

today. I asked him if he would rather go to the park, but no, he wanted to play at McDonalds. I took him there for 45mins, because I had to get Shane home, fed and down for a nap. Well, the nap thing didn't work well at all today. With me being sick, my patience was thin. I'm looking forward to tomorrow. Suzanne is coming over early so we can work on some cards. She can only stay until about 2:00, but that should give us some time to get something accomplished, I would think. Depends on what time she arrives I guess. We will be on a mission though, so we will put our noses to the grind stone.
1 comment:
Shane is getting so BIG! They grow way too fast! Good luck with the cards!
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