Ryan's hair before....

I couldn't really sleep because I hurt like crazy. Shane woke the first time around 10:30. I was in the middle of doing my dictations and only had like 2 left to do. I ran upstairs, nursed him and put him back down. He cried for a little bit before he was quiet. Then he woke again. I finished my dictations and let him cry to see if he would fall asleep. It was only like 10 minutes. I then went back upstairs and just took him to bed with me as nursing sitting up really bothers my arthritic hands. His body weight pushing against me holding him is really painful. I just wanted to get some sleep as well, so I took him to bed and nursed him to sleep. The next time he woke, I fed him and put him back in the crib. He barely cried for a second and was asleep. the next time he woke, I just went and got him and brought him back to bed as I was still really hurting. Usually I get up around 7am to get ready and take Ryan to school. However, because of the lack of sleep, I slept until 8:20 and Shane until 8:30. He only woke because he heard me mulling about. Ryan has to be at school for 9:15 and it's a 15 minute drive from here to Yarrow. You never seen anyone motor so fast. We made it though. Ryan got his hair cut yesterday. What a handsome kid if I don't say so myself. He has so much hair! Thick and lots of it! He gets quite the mop happening. Shane's new thing is he is starting to sit unassisted. He will eventually start to lean to the side and will fall but can sit on his own for quite awhile. My sister sent me her video camera as she got a new one. I went and bought a tape for it today and hopefully will be able to start shooting video with it once I figure it out. Nothing else really exciting around here. Wishing all you MOMS out there a wonderful Mother's Day and hopefully you are all treated like Queens! Love to you all!

This is Ryan's hair after....Nice eh? and Shane sitting on his own. Look at that posture!
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