Monday, November 26
Thursday, November 1
Lots on the Go!
Well, it's been so long since I posted that I need to really think back as to what I've been doing....Hmm. Let's see, I gathered a bunch of stuff together to sell at Abby Middle School at a Kid's Toy and Clothing Sale. what a flop. They had us at tables lining the hallway of the school instead of the gym where we were supposed to be but wasn't because they double booked. Therefore, I didn't make any money at all. By the time I paid for the table rental and the clothing rack rental, that's pretty much what I sold. And for all the time and energy that went into getting everything together and then make arrangements for vehicles and the boys was totally not worth the hassle. I guess you live and learn.
Sue and I took a Home Decor course. That was a lot of fun and I learned a lot. I can make you a card or scrapbook you some pictures but when it comes to any sense of design in my house....not happening. Anyway, with the course there was a field trip. A very expensive field trip I might add. As you'll see at the bottom of this post the pictures of my brand new sleigh bed! YAY! I'm so excited. I can't wait to go to bed! tehehe. More about that later.
Lia splurged and bought Dave an I a brand new gas fireplace which was installed on Monday. It is awesome! and it should save us $$ on our energy bill this winter. However, (and anyone who knows me, knows there is always a story, nothing ever happens without incident) It got lost in translation from the lady at the showroom about installing a switch on the wall so the boys couldn't get at the button. This didn't happen and it wasn't "in the work order" Then I was asked by one of the installers for a 3 pronged extension cord. Well, I thought he needed it for a power tool or something. No, there is a cord that runs off the front of the unit to run the fan. NOT acceptable. I have children! Again, it's "not in the work order" They called the office and of course the guy who came to the house and made out the estimate wasn't working that day. He called me the following day and I told him that no only did the cord look tacky, but that I have children and the cord could easily get tripped over or pulled on. Had I known there was a cord, I would have booked and paid extra for it to be wired properly and out of sight. So now I have to wait another week for them to come and hard wire it in AND pay $150. What a joke
That brings us to Halloween, were Ryan dressed up as a Pirate and Shane was a lion. Same lion costume that Ryan had when he was two. Of course Ryan didn't want the hood up either, but I managed to distract Shane long enough so he forgot about it and he kept it on the whole way. We just did our street and the boys were great! After the first house, Shane had it mastered! He was literally running up driveways and stairs. He managed to get out trick and mumbled the rest. Then he would say 'thanks' and 'goodbye'. It was way too cute. At one point the little pumpkin bucket that Shane had for his candy kind of tripped him up, so Dave helped him up and attempted to pick up his bucket and carry it for him. Shane was having none of that! It was his bucket and he would carry it. It was actually pretty heavy near the end but he managed.
Trick or Treating.....our neighbours were great! One lady actually gave away huge suckers with little monster trucks. Shane was all over that!

Thanks for reading this long winded post....coming up is my Christmas Card all day workshop on Saturday then scrap club next week and so it continues.
Aysha, I am glad you got the weight of giving your notice off your shoulders. Must feel good. Ya, the Canadian dollar couldn't get any higher, what a rip off. I did and still have the measurements for your stuff. I will bring straps for the luggage to put on the roof in case it doesn't fit inside the van. I think what I'm going to do is take out the middle row, put the boys in the very back, that way there is a seat for your mom. There will be that space for Yoda between the front and back seats as well as a little trunk space. I think it will work ok, if not, i'll have the straps just in case. I can't believe it's only a month away. I better get my ass in gear....Can't wait to see you! Yay! I'm so excited! It's going to be a great Christmas! I need to get some things done before bed.....ahhh....anyhow, g'nite all.

Sue and I took a Home Decor course. That was a lot of fun and I learned a lot. I can make you a card or scrapbook you some pictures but when it comes to any sense of design in my house....not happening. Anyway, with the course there was a field trip. A very expensive field trip I might add. As you'll see at the bottom of this post the pictures of my brand new sleigh bed! YAY! I'm so excited. I can't wait to go to bed! tehehe. More about that later.
Lia splurged and bought Dave an I a brand new gas fireplace which was installed on Monday. It is awesome! and it should save us $$ on our energy bill this winter. However, (and anyone who knows me, knows there is always a story, nothing ever happens without incident) It got lost in translation from the lady at the showroom about installing a switch on the wall so the boys couldn't get at the button. This didn't happen and it wasn't "in the work order" Then I was asked by one of the installers for a 3 pronged extension cord. Well, I thought he needed it for a power tool or something. No, there is a cord that runs off the front of the unit to run the fan. NOT acceptable. I have children! Again, it's "not in the work order" They called the office and of course the guy who came to the house and made out the estimate wasn't working that day. He called me the following day and I told him that no only did the cord look tacky, but that I have children and the cord could easily get tripped over or pulled on. Had I known there was a cord, I would have booked and paid extra for it to be wired properly and out of sight. So now I have to wait another week for them to come and hard wire it in AND pay $150. What a joke
That brings us to Halloween, were Ryan dressed up as a Pirate and Shane was a lion. Same lion costume that Ryan had when he was two. Of course Ryan didn't want the hood up either, but I managed to distract Shane long enough so he forgot about it and he kept it on the whole way. We just did our street and the boys were great! After the first house, Shane had it mastered! He was literally running up driveways and stairs. He managed to get out trick and mumbled the rest. Then he would say 'thanks' and 'goodbye'. It was way too cute. At one point the little pumpkin bucket that Shane had for his candy kind of tripped him up, so Dave helped him up and attempted to pick up his bucket and carry it for him. Shane was having none of that! It was his bucket and he would carry it. It was actually pretty heavy near the end but he managed.
Look at the stash! I had to put it away and we'll ration it! The boys aren't happy about that.
Ryan is definitely my son. Look how he's separated his candy by type....LOL.
OK, here is our king bed boring, no headboard. I had taken the blankets off before I remembered to take a picture. The lighting isn't that great....sorry.
Here is my beautiful new very tall sleigh bed....Isn't it gorgeous! I can't wait to go to bed! The sheets and duvet cover are a flannel, so it's warm and very super soft........:)
It takes up quite a bit more of the room to the foot of the bed. Whatever, who cares! isn't it beautiful!?
My side of the gorgeous bed. I might need a stool to get into it. Now I just need to get Mike and Sue over to lay some laminate, paint the walls, put up some baseboards and make some I'm on my way though.......I know you're all jealous! lol.
Thanks for reading this long winded post....coming up is my Christmas Card all day workshop on Saturday then scrap club next week and so it continues.
Aysha, I am glad you got the weight of giving your notice off your shoulders. Must feel good. Ya, the Canadian dollar couldn't get any higher, what a rip off. I did and still have the measurements for your stuff. I will bring straps for the luggage to put on the roof in case it doesn't fit inside the van. I think what I'm going to do is take out the middle row, put the boys in the very back, that way there is a seat for your mom. There will be that space for Yoda between the front and back seats as well as a little trunk space. I think it will work ok, if not, i'll have the straps just in case. I can't believe it's only a month away. I better get my ass in gear....Can't wait to see you! Yay! I'm so excited! It's going to be a great Christmas! I need to get some things done before bed.....ahhh....anyhow, g'nite all.
Wednesday, October 10
Monday, September 10
Been Busy Preparing
Well, I know it's no excuse for not blogging but I'm going to excuse away
I have been busy crafting as per usual. I participated in 3 swaps of which I'm still waiting for the return of one. I've prepared a swap for our last demo meeting. I have been preparing for our Scrap Club which was this past Saturday. Tracy wanted to learn the shaving cream technique so I demonstrated that and we all made a Christmas Card. I'm also trying to get prepared for Sue's massive workshop on the 22nd. I want to have samples of everything so people can see that what I sell isn't just making cards but much more. I really hope to gain some business from this workshop as Sue and I have put a lot of effort into it. It will be a fun venture if nothing else.
This Friday I have been invited to a 'dresser's' club. This is what Barb is calling it. Essentially, 10 ladies get together to socialize 1 evening a month. We each pitch in $20 per month. Randomly people are drawn for a particular month. The catch is the money $200 is to be spent on you and you alone. I guess originally it was meant for clothing but can be used for anything to pamper ones self. Should be fun!
Ryan started Grade 1 last week and absolutely loves it! I have had to make some adjustments to Shane's nap so that he is up in time to go and pick Ryan up. I think it will take a bit as the afternoons, he's quite grumpy as he's not getting as long of a nap as he's used to.
Ryan goes to the dentist for the very first time tomorrow. I have an all day demo meeting on the 20th. Dave's birthday is on the 3rd. Shane's birthday is on the 12th. I'm planning to rent a couple tables at a kid's clothing and toy swap meet in Abbotsford on the 20th of October. It works out great as it is just the push I need to get cracking on the basement for Aysha. Sue and I have also signed up for a Home Decor class in Langley. The last two Thursdays in October and the last Saturday. I'm looking forward to that as I have no decorating sense at all. I need all the help I can get! Also, am planning the Christmas Card Stamp a Stack which is scheduled for November 3rd, in which I need to find a venue. I'm maybe thinking the Yarrow community center or Abby arts center. I'm going to call both and find out how much. That will be a big I think that's about Secret Sister stuff has to be done this week. I've got two more cards to go out tomorrow and the final reveal package to put together to express post out on Tuesday.
Are you bored reading about my boring life yet? Then here are some pictures!
Sunday, August 19
Been Busy, sorry for not updating
For the minute few that actually come to see what us Macfarlanes have been up to...well, it's all a blur really. Lots of crafting involved of course. Auntie Sue and Uncle Mike spent their entire weekend here this weekend painting and gyprock the wall so there is no longer a pass through between the boys' room. Ryan and Shane both have their own private space now. Mike came and mudded tues/thurs to be in sync for painting and generally upgrading Ryan's room. Ryan is ecstatic! He loves it! Mike came last weekend to restud and gyprock that hole in the wall.. So, on thursday, we all met the McCallums down at Blackwood to pick the paint which we gave Ryan 3 choices. Then Saturday it all began. Auntie Sue even let Ryan put the first roll of paint on to the walls. Ryan wanted to keep painting. Of course we said no. lol. I'm cooking supper as I post this so I will leave you with the before and after pictures.

Sunday, August 5
Ryan's Gymnastics
Ryan had a blast for the past 3 weeks at the Chilliwack gymnastics club.
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Photo Sharing - Video Sharing - Share Photos - Free Video Hosting
Thursday, August 2
July? Where in the heck did it go?
I'm sorry that I haven't updated my life is pretty boring actually. My life revolves around stamping Keeps me out of trouble.
Well, my birthday has come and gone for another year...YAY! Starting to feel real We did get RendezVous as usual. I got the mixed souvlaki....very yummy!
The following week was our anniversary....RendezVous again in which I got the roast lamb...which is usually my favorite. Not as good this time around as I expected it to be but was great all the same.
Ryan has been attending the Chilliwack Gymnastics club for the past 3 weeks. I originally signed him up for half days the first week and he loved it so much that we put him all days for the last 2 weeks. Even when I go to pick him up after him being there for seven hours, he wants to stay. The club is closed for the month of August.....shucks..
Other than that, I'm glad to hear that you're getting some overtime Aysha....adds to the pocket book! Extra work no fun though. As lame as it sounds, I think we'll be taking the family to go see the Simpsons movie. I have a pub night on Satufday to attend for Krista as she is doing the 60km walk to end breast cancer. She is officially $15 short. Way to go Krista! I wish you all the best in your walk!
That's all the exciting news until I upload Ryan's gym pictures....I think. Need to eat before I pick him up.
Take Care
Well, my birthday has come and gone for another year...YAY! Starting to feel real We did get RendezVous as usual. I got the mixed souvlaki....very yummy!
The following week was our anniversary....RendezVous again in which I got the roast lamb...which is usually my favorite. Not as good this time around as I expected it to be but was great all the same.
Ryan has been attending the Chilliwack Gymnastics club for the past 3 weeks. I originally signed him up for half days the first week and he loved it so much that we put him all days for the last 2 weeks. Even when I go to pick him up after him being there for seven hours, he wants to stay. The club is closed for the month of August.....shucks..
Other than that, I'm glad to hear that you're getting some overtime Aysha....adds to the pocket book! Extra work no fun though. As lame as it sounds, I think we'll be taking the family to go see the Simpsons movie. I have a pub night on Satufday to attend for Krista as she is doing the 60km walk to end breast cancer. She is officially $15 short. Way to go Krista! I wish you all the best in your walk!
That's all the exciting news until I upload Ryan's gym pictures....I think. Need to eat before I pick him up.
Take Care
Tuesday, July 10
I guess it's high time for an update
Well, what's happened...hmmm. We all went up to Bridesville to see Bo, Jenn, Ben and Danny for the Canada Day long weekend. We left on June 30th and came home on the 2nd. Short trip I know. We had a great time though. Ben and Danny were in the Canada Day parade in Osoyoos with their daycare. The theme of their float was 'Cars" the movie. Irene (the daycare provider) decorated her truck with painted canvas and attached a tow to look like Mater. The trailer was decked out in Cars memorabilia and the kids were dressed up in characters from the movie made from boxes that were painted. They looked so great! I'll try to upload pictures.
The boys had a fantastic time with their cousins. Shane was in love with the dogs. They have a golden lab and a black lab. The first day Shane got caught between the wagging tails and was knocked down but he soon learned how to maneuver around them. At one point, Joey (the golden lab) was in his dog house and Shane just walked right up to him, squatted down and was petting him. I'm sure if he could crawl inside he would have. Dave took Shane down to see the horses (they have 2) and he had no fear of them either.
For the trip I had packed lots of snacks and sandwiches for the road trip. When we got there Dave unloaded everything in the room where we were crashing. One of the dogs sniffed out the sandwiches in the cooler and managed to pop off the lid to the cooler. When I went down there, all I found was ripped ziplock baggie all over the place. On the last day, Jenn drove the kids and I down to the golf course where Bo and Dave played a round. We had lunch and Ryan didn't want to eat his. I wrapped it up for the trip (knowing he would be hungry) and would you believe it, one of the dogs got it. Napkin everywhere. Hilarious! Ryan whined he was hungry but sorry, no
Friday, I had a wonderful birthday. Ryan sang to me on several occasions. Both Dave and Charmaine sang Happy Birthday to me on the machine. We ordered Rendez Vous dinner which Dave picked up. Yum, souvlaki! Dave surprised me with flowers and a chocolate ice cream cake. Doesn't get better than that! Kaitlyn also drew me a great picture of one of her characters. I received some beautiful flowers from Tracy and Melissa when they came to club on Saturday.....much appreciated but definitely not neccessary! I was spoiled. And Charmaine, came over Sunday bearing a card, gift card for cotton ginny and a 'coupon' for dinner and a movie......can't wait to do that for sure!
If you check out my craft blog, I also received a lot of great birhtday RAK's. (random acts of kindness) There are some really talented crafters out there that I fully intend to CASE (copy and share everything)
I'm attempting to put together my 10x10 awning which I've had for months. The instructions say it takes 2 people and that is why it has sat there but I think I can put it together by myself. I started it today but then it got to stinking hot outside for me to continue. The boys wouldn't even come outside. You know its hot then. I'm going to try and get up early to finish. (Doubtful, but we'll see) It's supposed to get up to 37 degrees here tomorrow. Looks like a movie day!
I'm in a desperate search for a small pool! I have a raincheck for Canadian Tire but that doesn't guarantee me a pool, just the sale price. I'm to call in 10 days as they won't put me on a list to call when they come in. pfff. I think I'll get a sprinkler of some kind, much to Dave's shagrin but we need to cool off somehow.
I have some projects I need to start working on. I have joined a swap to make kid/baby cards. I'm in two groups, so I need to make 4 of one kind and 4 of another. Easy. I also need to make a 60th Wedding Anniversary card for Lia to give to her friends and a Thank you card for her Physiotherapist, Judy. Also a b-day card for Jenn and Ruby...then I'll get a tiny break until I need to make patient cards again and come up with our Scrap Club layouts for August.
I also need to start going through some stuff in the basement and purge as I need to clear the space for when Aysha and Yoda come to stay. (I hope you don't mind sleeping in the basement) I just thought you might like the privacy. I'm in the search (Charmaine too) for an area rug and I'll put a tv down there for ya. It's a low ceiling but it's just for sleeping.
I think that's it for now. Hopefully will update sooner.
Hope everyone is beating the heat!
Friday, June 29
Monday, June 25
Posting hot off the press
Well, it was a fun filled weekend. First on Saturday, my g/f's daughter was in her end of the year dance recital. Wow! Does she ever have some awesome dancing moves! She was fantastic! I took Kaitlyn with me and she enjoyed the entire show as well. It went by really quick. I then went to pay for Ryan's summer camp. I signed him up for half days for the week of the 16th at the Chilliwack gymnastics club. This is basic stuff with trampoline. I really hope he'll participate and have fun! It's only from 9am-12pm. I couldn't do the full day if he doesn't like it. That would be torture!
Sunday, I was invited to a Pampered Chef party at Melissa's. I picked up Suzanne and we (including the boys as Dave was taking Kaitlyn to the ferry) headed over for 3:30pm. We didn't end up leaving until 7pm. Melissa put on quite the spread. Thank you Melissa. The demo made jerk chicken salad and strawberry tart. Then Melissa put out shrimp rings, 7 layer dip, spinach dip, hot wings and honey garlic wings. I was in my element! She made hot dogs for the boys and even made Ryan an Ice Cream Sundae. I would never do that at home. He was still talking about it when he got home. It looked yummy. The demo was awesome! So there is a connection for you when you get back Aysha. Her name is Kam and she's been doing it for a couple of years part time now. They have some really cool stuff since the last show I went to. I bought some cool things and I will post you a picture of my goodies with explanations when the loot comes. (A good excuse to post something since my life is pretty routine.)
Hope you have a great week! Ryan's last day is Wednesday when he has his little grad ceremony. I will probably post then. Thursday I have a workshop to do and probably friday is when we head to Dave's brother's place. I'm so looking forward to getting away rain or shine!
Sunday, I was invited to a Pampered Chef party at Melissa's. I picked up Suzanne and we (including the boys as Dave was taking Kaitlyn to the ferry) headed over for 3:30pm. We didn't end up leaving until 7pm. Melissa put on quite the spread. Thank you Melissa. The demo made jerk chicken salad and strawberry tart. Then Melissa put out shrimp rings, 7 layer dip, spinach dip, hot wings and honey garlic wings. I was in my element! She made hot dogs for the boys and even made Ryan an Ice Cream Sundae. I would never do that at home. He was still talking about it when he got home. It looked yummy. The demo was awesome! So there is a connection for you when you get back Aysha. Her name is Kam and she's been doing it for a couple of years part time now. They have some really cool stuff since the last show I went to. I bought some cool things and I will post you a picture of my goodies with explanations when the loot comes. (A good excuse to post something since my life is pretty routine.)
Hope you have a great week! Ryan's last day is Wednesday when he has his little grad ceremony. I will probably post then. Thursday I have a workshop to do and probably friday is when we head to Dave's brother's place. I'm so looking forward to getting away rain or shine!
Thursday, June 21
Question/Answer time
I got this little survey from Marie's blog.....if you want to participate, just copy paste and fill in your answers!
1. Are you taller than your mom?Yes - my mom was 5'2" and I'm 5'3" and 3/4...hehehe
2. What color is your car? My new van is Silver
3. What is the closest thing to you that is red? Notice of renewal from ICBC...ugh!
4. What is your ringtone? Bryan Adams - Summer of '69 of course...
5. Are you sick? No, never
6. What color is your favorite pillow? Depends on the pillow case I put on it!
7.What is your favorite video game?I like RPG's but I don't have time to play so I like deal or no deal on line. I can usually play it quickly.....
8. Had a nap today? I WISH!!!!!
9. Gold or Silver? I like the look of silver but own gold so I'll stick with that.
10.Is there an animal that creeps you out? spiders....
11.Who was the last person you rode an elevator with? Son Shane in the stroller to see Mike and Sue at the Bay....thank goodness they have's soooo easy now!
12. Did you go iceskating as a kid?Yes. on class field trips
13. Ever have stitches?Nope
14. Favorite non-alcoholic drink?x-large decaf double double from timmy's
15. How long ago did you kiss someone?Shane an hour ago
16. What's something you want to do before you die? Travel-take kids to Disneyland and see Greece
17. Have you ever caught something on fire? Yes, as a teenager I put some pop tarts in the toaster and they caught fire. I was yelling fire and mom thought I was yelling spider until she saw the flames....
18. Have you ever seen a ghost?Yes
19. Have you ever seen the northern lights?No
20. Do you know how to use chop sticks?Yes of course
21. Name something good that happened today.Everyday with the boys is a good day.
22. What room are you in?Family room
23. Are you worried about something you can't control?Always
24. Do you take daily medications?Not at the moment, trying to not have to
25. Ever been in a fight?Lots of verbal fights, and an almost fight with Kelli when we were teenagers....remember that? I can laugh about it now....
26. Are you wearing nailpolish?No.
27. Favorite color?Any shade of blue
28. Innie or Outie?Innie
29. Ever used a Ouija board?Yes, too many times....
30. Sweet or Sour?Sour
31. Sun or Moon?Moon.
32. What shoes did you wear today? Blue canvas comfies..
33. Favorite eye color of the opposite sex?I like blue eyes.
34. Most important quality in any relationship?Trust.
35. Favorite zombie movie?Don't watch them
36. Time of day you were born?6:30pm
37. Do you know your blood type?A+
38. What would you spend 5000 dollars on right now if you were handed it?There are so many things...but first it would be flooring for the house
39. Name something annoying in public transit?I don't do public transit...
40. Did you grow up in the city or country?Maple Ridge
41. Would you ever consider going on a reality tv show if offered a large sum of money?The biggest loser I would in a heart beat!
42. Have you flown in your dreams?Yes.
43. Hugs or kisses?Hugs.
44. You have 10 dollars to spend in the dollar store..what do you get?Craft supplies/baskets, containers
45. Slurpee flavor?Coke
1. Are you taller than your mom?Yes - my mom was 5'2" and I'm 5'3" and 3/4...hehehe
2. What color is your car? My new van is Silver
3. What is the closest thing to you that is red? Notice of renewal from ICBC...ugh!
4. What is your ringtone? Bryan Adams - Summer of '69 of course...
5. Are you sick? No, never
6. What color is your favorite pillow? Depends on the pillow case I put on it!
7.What is your favorite video game?I like RPG's but I don't have time to play so I like deal or no deal on line. I can usually play it quickly.....
8. Had a nap today? I WISH!!!!!
9. Gold or Silver? I like the look of silver but own gold so I'll stick with that.
10.Is there an animal that creeps you out? spiders....
11.Who was the last person you rode an elevator with? Son Shane in the stroller to see Mike and Sue at the Bay....thank goodness they have's soooo easy now!
12. Did you go iceskating as a kid?Yes. on class field trips
13. Ever have stitches?Nope
14. Favorite non-alcoholic drink?x-large decaf double double from timmy's
15. How long ago did you kiss someone?Shane an hour ago
16. What's something you want to do before you die? Travel-take kids to Disneyland and see Greece
17. Have you ever caught something on fire? Yes, as a teenager I put some pop tarts in the toaster and they caught fire. I was yelling fire and mom thought I was yelling spider until she saw the flames....
18. Have you ever seen a ghost?Yes
19. Have you ever seen the northern lights?No
20. Do you know how to use chop sticks?Yes of course
21. Name something good that happened today.Everyday with the boys is a good day.
22. What room are you in?Family room
23. Are you worried about something you can't control?Always
24. Do you take daily medications?Not at the moment, trying to not have to
25. Ever been in a fight?Lots of verbal fights, and an almost fight with Kelli when we were teenagers....remember that? I can laugh about it now....
26. Are you wearing nailpolish?No.
27. Favorite color?Any shade of blue
28. Innie or Outie?Innie
29. Ever used a Ouija board?Yes, too many times....
30. Sweet or Sour?Sour
31. Sun or Moon?Moon.
32. What shoes did you wear today? Blue canvas comfies..
33. Favorite eye color of the opposite sex?I like blue eyes.
34. Most important quality in any relationship?Trust.
35. Favorite zombie movie?Don't watch them
36. Time of day you were born?6:30pm
37. Do you know your blood type?A+
38. What would you spend 5000 dollars on right now if you were handed it?There are so many things...but first it would be flooring for the house
39. Name something annoying in public transit?I don't do public transit...
40. Did you grow up in the city or country?Maple Ridge
41. Would you ever consider going on a reality tv show if offered a large sum of money?The biggest loser I would in a heart beat!
42. Have you flown in your dreams?Yes.
43. Hugs or kisses?Hugs.
44. You have 10 dollars to spend in the dollar store..what do you get?Craft supplies/baskets, containers
45. Slurpee flavor?Coke
Wednesday, June 13
Sunday, June 10
Busy Crafting
Hope everyone is well! It's been a little busy for me around here. Never mind looking after the boys...whew! I have been crafting my little heart out! Lots of projects on the go. I was working on Thank you cards for Sue's niece to go with the 12 announcements and 12 blessing/advice cards as a shower present. Her shower was today. Of course I had to make her a card too! I had a few birthdays to make cards for. My sisters whose birthdays are on the 6th and YOU Aysha. I really hope that you got it! I also just realized that I have 2 kid birthday cards to make this week! Yikes, I better get on I am also working on grad caps for Ryan's kindergarten class. I currently have 2 made of the 22 They are easy to make. Last week I was preparing for our monthly scrap club meeting. I think it went rather well. I think everyone was happy with their pages! I am now working on projects for this Open House that I'm doing at this ladies house who sells Usborne books. She is holding the Open House with different home based business'. There will me me, her and Tupperware, Avon, Discovery Toys and Epicure. I want to do a simple make and take and I need to come with a door prize, and a snack. lol. I also want to organize my samples so people have something to look at. On top of that , I need to also get started on Sue and Mike's patient cards for their July birthdays....hahaha.
Tomorrow I am taking Lia to get her foot x-rayed. She had surgery a few weeks ago and has a follow up with the specialist on Tuesday. She's been ill with a terrible cough so hasn't felt up to getting it done. It has to be done tomorrow for sure. I will drop Ryan off and head to Abbotsford. I also have to get a couple of birthday presents as Ryan has been invited to Jackson's party and of course Master Jordan. I'm not sure when I'll get to see him and Kelli but I'm sure we'll make a point of it. If not, I'll mail it. lol. Kids like getting mail!
If you haven't noticed, I have attached a music player to this blog. I wish I could play it all the time. I just need to add lots more songs. If you have any suggestions, let me know. Of course when you're adding music, you draw a complete blank. Of course Bryan, but then not everyone wants to listen to only Bryan, except me. lol. I think I'm getting old because I like a lot of the current music but I couldn't tell you who sings it. When we were teenagers, Kelli and I would sing to every song on the radio. Remember when Clint asked us if we knew every word to every song? Our reply was, what she doesn't know, I know and what I don't know, she knows. Music was our life. Now, I try to keep the house quiet. I like quiet, especially during nap time! I know Kelli is up to date with music, so if you're reading this, make me some suggestions chickie! Kelli has music going all the time. I love it! I don't have a good stereo so there's no point. I still have a record player for peats sake! I do have an ipod, but hardly ever listen to it. Mainly because I need to be able to hear the kids.
Well, I think I've typed long enough for you to actually listen to one song. What do you think?
Tomorrow I am taking Lia to get her foot x-rayed. She had surgery a few weeks ago and has a follow up with the specialist on Tuesday. She's been ill with a terrible cough so hasn't felt up to getting it done. It has to be done tomorrow for sure. I will drop Ryan off and head to Abbotsford. I also have to get a couple of birthday presents as Ryan has been invited to Jackson's party and of course Master Jordan. I'm not sure when I'll get to see him and Kelli but I'm sure we'll make a point of it. If not, I'll mail it. lol. Kids like getting mail!
If you haven't noticed, I have attached a music player to this blog. I wish I could play it all the time. I just need to add lots more songs. If you have any suggestions, let me know. Of course when you're adding music, you draw a complete blank. Of course Bryan, but then not everyone wants to listen to only Bryan, except me. lol. I think I'm getting old because I like a lot of the current music but I couldn't tell you who sings it. When we were teenagers, Kelli and I would sing to every song on the radio. Remember when Clint asked us if we knew every word to every song? Our reply was, what she doesn't know, I know and what I don't know, she knows. Music was our life. Now, I try to keep the house quiet. I like quiet, especially during nap time! I know Kelli is up to date with music, so if you're reading this, make me some suggestions chickie! Kelli has music going all the time. I love it! I don't have a good stereo so there's no point. I still have a record player for peats sake! I do have an ipod, but hardly ever listen to it. Mainly because I need to be able to hear the kids.
Well, I think I've typed long enough for you to actually listen to one song. What do you think?
Thursday, June 7
Yarrow Days and Kaitlyn's 16th Birthday.
Well, of course I forgot our camera when we went to Yarrow days. It of course was stinking hot! The parade was great as always and the park was filled with live music, the smell of bbq and the sound of festival! We left there, had McDonald's for lunch as I was still getting stuff ready for the party and didn't want to have to cook lunch too! We had the McAuley's over, Dave's brother John, Dave's mom Lia and Kaitlyn's cousins, Brandy and Kirsten. It's amazing how they've changed over the years. Of course, it's hard to believe that Dave and I have been together for 10 years! Some days it seems like more, lol, but really, where has the time gone? I have included some pictures from the birthday, and sorry I haven't been around to update.
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