Monday, February 5

January over already?

A couple of sick boys two weeks ago. Now I have been battling it this past week. Still stuffed up, a bit of a cough and can't smell a thing. I hope to be over it by the end of the week.

I know for most that January is a long month. I can't believe it's over already.

Last Saturday I got to go out of the house without the children. Woohoo! It was Suzanne's 40th birthday celebration at the Seahorse Grill. It was a very nice get together. Her brother Mark, whom I had only met in passing, is soo funny. I got to chat a little bit with Sue's mom too. To me it is foreign kind of thing to have a huge family dinner like that. It was great! Suzanne is yet to claim her birthday present yet. Hopefully she will get some time soon!

I joined Stampin' Up again as a demonstrator and am anxiously awaiting my starter kit which has a plethura of new goodies. I can't wait. It should be delivered Thursday according to UPS. Here's hoping.

Other than that, this past week has been pretty uneventful. I made up thank you cards for Ryan's friends at school. I will post the picture on my paper crafts blog once I take a picture of it.

On Saturday, I took Shane into Abbotsford to help Lia get some shopping done. She needed to go to Safeway and the liqour store. We got that all done and we went for a visit back to her place. I helped her discipher some insurance paperwork for her then headed home.

Sue came over last night for me to help her finish her birthday thank you cards. We got them done and now she just has to write in them and send them off. I think she was going to do that today. Did ya get them done?

That's it for now, catch ya on the flip side.



Sue said...

I was just going to complete them all. I've done some but not all, it is my goal to complete them tonight and then maybe read. I'm kinda pooped. I'm finding that my marathon work schedule is tuckering me out earlier in the evening.

Hey, I was supposed to phone you back!! Sorry about that. Busy at work, which is good and then p/u Bud and some banking and shopping. Dinner and well, here we are. Dishes and cards to do. Bath and ready - I'm definately looking forward to my nice cozy bed!

Thank you for your help last night. It was greatly appreciated and I'm glad their done. Next, the dreaded T4.

Yes, I will collect on the birthday gift- we'll have such a wonderful time! Looking forward to a weekend off.

Kelli said...

That picture of the boys is so adorable!!

Tankgirlxx said...

Here's hpping everyone is back in tip top health! And that your stamping stuff arrives on time. I love getting packages, even when I know what's in them lol. An evening out with the kids!! Well when I return they will have to be a bit more regular me thinks!

Guess What?