Sunday, May 21

Week of the heat wave.........

It seems that I only get time to blog about once a week. What a week weather wise. This house is a cooker! Expecially the upstairs bedrooms. Dave really needs to get John to come over and help him install the air conditioner. I'm thinking of buying a portable air conditioner to cool off the upstairs. Nothing worse than not being able to sleep. Porr Shane, he was up every hour on the hour Tuesday night becuase of the heat. He was just sweating. Ryan managed better. I ended up bringing Shane into our bed because we at least have a ceiling fan. Speaking of which, Shane hasn't really had a good sleeping week. Friday and Saturday night were brutal. Friday night he was up every hour on the hour through the night. Saturday night he was up every 2 hours. Both nights I ended up bringing him to our bed at about 4am becuase physically, I couldn't take it anymore. The extreme cold an the extreme heat really make the rheumatoid arthritis flare. I need to move to a place where it is a constant 20 degrees year round.

A few firsts for my little munchkin Shane. I have started him on mixed cereal as he has been eating organic rice cereal for about five weeks. I tried giving him peas which he made funny faces and gagged. He hasn't minded the orgainc carrots. He at least liked the carrots better than the avacado. Tonight is sweet potatoes. I'm sure he'll like that. I'll let you know. He sure is interested in everything that we're eating. Dave was holding him at the dinner table last night when we were having dessert. He actually got a hold of Dave's plate, but Dave got it away from him before any damage was done. Shane also had another first. It was his first week in the big tub in his seat. Oh, he loves his bath now. He really loves getting mommy soaked! Ryan loves watching him in the bath. He just wants to pile him in toys but I tell him no. Let him play with the water and maybe one toy until he gets good at the whole bath thing.

We had Kaitlyn this weekend. Next time we see her she will be 15 years old. Her birthday is on the 31st of May. Hard to believe. Time sure goes by fast. On Satuday, we had Dave's mom over for dinner. Well, she cooked the turkey and I put on the rest of the dinner. Yummy! I love turkey. Especially the sandwiches the next day. Unfortunately, turkey doesn't last very long around here. For dessert I picked up individual angel food cakes, strawberries and real whipping cream. Very scrumptious. We gave Dave's mom a tomato plant to take home. We'll see if she gets any tomatoes from it. Our garden got planted on Mother's Day. Hopefully all that dining room table hard work pays off and we actually get to reap what we sow. Fresh veggies, you can't beat it. For anyone who was wondering or cares, the rhodo out front is a beautiful red! I'm so happy. It is definately a late bloomer but worth it! I also have peonies out there in a circle of rocks. I thought the old owners used to used it as a fire pit or for rituals of some sor t as it looked funny, but now with the peonies at about 2 1/2 feet and bushy, it looks quite cute! They are red also. Dave's mom had come over a week ago thursday and we picked some rhubarb. The "Dutch" way is to peel it and chop it up. We got two big ziploc baggies full. I put one bag in the freezer and gave a bag to Charmaine. I want to give some to Suzanne in trade for her awesome rhubarb muffin recipe. hint hint. Also have a tomato plant for you. We need to make a date....:)

It's been a full week of season finale's. I'm sad that Elliot got kicked from American Idol. I'm now routing for Taylor. My favorite was Chris, but he's gone too. It was also the season finale of Prison Break which totally left me hanging. Grey's Anatomy, was that great or what? And then ER which I just watched today. My problem is, is that I never know when they start again. Tonight is the big 2 hour season finale of Desperate Housewives so we all know what I'll be doing. I usually tape it just in case I get beckoned by Shane, so I better sign off and set that up before I forget.

Until next time...

1 comment:

Sue said...

Who's that? (above)

Now that the heat wave is over is Shane sleeping better? Are the rest of you?

Guess What?