Sunday, February 25

Finally an update....

Well, it's been a busy week for me. I was preparing for my very first Stampin' Up open house/workshop at my house on Friday night. I actually look back and think about what I was planning to demonstrate and what to have the guests make and laugh.

Originally, we were going to make a 12"x12" scrapbook page and 2 cards. HA! We managed to barely get the scrapbook page done. The cards will have to be deomonstrated at another time.I had stayed up until 1am on Tuesday and Wednesday, making the samples and getting the supplies pre-cut and ready for the workshop. I will upload those images on my paper crafts site.

Thursday, Suzanne and I attended a Birthday card workshop in Langley. It was $25 for 15 cards. 3 cards of 5 designs. Wow! are they ever cute! We didn't even have time for a coffee or even a pee break! It was a continuous 3 hours. I have to say though, it was a lot of fun! And of course we got some real good ideas and really cute cards out of the deal. I just need to take some pictures so I can upload them on my paper crafts blog. Hopefully, if Ryan lets me, tonight.

The workshop went well. I'm trying to start a scrapbooking club, where once a month, us ladies get together and scrapbook a page or two and the only obligtion is a $25 purchase. Each month, there is a new hostess who gets the free stamp set and free shopping merchandise dollars. So far, I have 7 ladies interested. Just have to work out the details as to when and whether we can get 3 more ladies or up the minimum purchase to $35 and stick with the 7. I hope to get started in April.

Other than that, I caught up on my 4 hours of taped tv yesterday. I watched Grey's, American Idol, CSI, ER, Days and Ghost Whisperer. Today, I made a welcome baby card for Austin's mom, (classmate of Ryan) as she just had a baby girl on Wednesday. I have posted that card on my paper crafts site as well. Just have to keep you jumping around from blog to blog. haha.Hope you are well!

Talk to you soon!


1 comment:

Tankgirlxx said...

as per usual things are all a go at the McFarlane household :o) don't know how you manage to do it all with the boys. I find I am way too busy a good majority of the time and I just have me and Yoda to worry about. I look forward to being back and checking out some of the crafts on a first hand basis...well other than the cards I have received :o)

Guess What?