Sunday, August 19

Been Busy, sorry for not updating

For the minute few that actually come to see what us Macfarlanes have been up to...well, it's all a blur really. Lots of crafting involved of course. Auntie Sue and Uncle Mike spent their entire weekend here this weekend painting and gyprock the wall so there is no longer a pass through between the boys' room. Ryan and Shane both have their own private space now. Mike came and mudded tues/thurs to be in sync for painting and generally upgrading Ryan's room. Ryan is ecstatic! He loves it! Mike came last weekend to restud and gyprock that hole in the wall.. So, on thursday, we all met the McCallums down at Blackwood to pick the paint which we gave Ryan 3 choices. Then Saturday it all began. Auntie Sue even let Ryan put the first roll of paint on to the walls. Ryan wanted to keep painting. Of course we said no. lol. I'm cooking supper as I post this so I will leave you with the before and after pictures.

Sunday, August 5

Ryan's Gymnastics

Ryan had a blast for the past 3 weeks at the Chilliwack gymnastics club.

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Thursday, August 2

July? Where in the heck did it go?

I'm sorry that I haven't updated my life is pretty boring actually. My life revolves around stamping Keeps me out of trouble.

Well, my birthday has come and gone for another year...YAY! Starting to feel real We did get RendezVous as usual. I got the mixed souvlaki....very yummy!

The following week was our anniversary....RendezVous again in which I got the roast lamb...which is usually my favorite. Not as good this time around as I expected it to be but was great all the same.

Ryan has been attending the Chilliwack Gymnastics club for the past 3 weeks. I originally signed him up for half days the first week and he loved it so much that we put him all days for the last 2 weeks. Even when I go to pick him up after him being there for seven hours, he wants to stay. The club is closed for the month of August.....shucks..

Other than that, I'm glad to hear that you're getting some overtime Aysha....adds to the pocket book! Extra work no fun though. As lame as it sounds, I think we'll be taking the family to go see the Simpsons movie. I have a pub night on Satufday to attend for Krista as she is doing the 60km walk to end breast cancer. She is officially $15 short. Way to go Krista! I wish you all the best in your walk!

That's all the exciting news until I upload Ryan's gym pictures....I think. Need to eat before I pick him up.

Take Care

Guess What?