Monday, February 27

These are crazy days.....

Well, where do I begin? Lets go back a week. It's gone by so fast
that my head is spinning.

I had a wonderful day on Saturday February 18, 2006 with Suzanne. She came over to the house for 1pm. We both had a reading done by Michelle. It was great. Not only did we both enjoy our readings, we enjoyed Michelle as well. She was a super nice lady. Of course, she told me that I was going to have another baby, and that "she" would be a girl. Now doesn't that just lead me into temptation..... :) She figures that I "could" conceive in May between the 18th - 28th. Free will of course being the nature of the beast. After Sue went home, I made supper for the family and took one Naproxen the Dr. had prescribed for my all over body pain. Morning is usually brutal for me, crippling actually, so I figured I would try one and see how I felt when I woke up in the morning. Well, at about 1am, I started throwing up. If you have a queasy stomach, skip to the next paragraph now! Death had warmed over. I was throwing up violently. Then diarrhea. I didn't know whether to sit or stand. I was throwing up to the point of dry heaving. I figured that was it. I would just crawl back into bed to fling the covers off and run like hell to the toilet. I was throwing up more, beyond the dry heaves. I have never thrown up that much. I thought I was going to die. I have never even been that sick after drinking too much. This went on for about 5 hours. Actually, I did want to die by that point.

Sunday February 19, 2006. I was useless to everybody. I asked Dave to take Shane after I nursed him (not that he was getting any nutrition from me) I begged for a little more sleep. I got up about 9:20am. We were supposed to be packing for our trip to Kamloops but I just couldn't do it. Dave had to run some errands so he took Ryan with him. Shane and I fended for ourselves. I have to say, I have one patient little baby. I figured that I should get something in me, not for me, but for Shane. I figured a nice cold protein shake would do the trick. I whipped one up with milk, a banana, and a lot of ice. The colder the better. Charmaine popped by to lend me some clothes for my Grandma's funeral as I was in no shape to go shopping. She's a life saver! After Charmaine left, I finished my shake just in time to run to the bathroom and lose it all. That was a bad idea. Not even water was a good idea. Again, if I didn't have Shane to tend to, I would have holed myself up in my room, in the dark, to die. When I put Shane to bed at 7pm, I fell asleep with him. You know I had to be pretty sick to miss my ritual Sunday night shows. I missed both Desperate Housewives and Grey's Anatomy. I did roll over and look at the clock at both nine and ten and thought to myself, I should get down there. I just couldn't muster the energy.

Monday February 20, 2006. I showered and was running around like a mad woman trying to pack stuff for the trip. I was still feeling real shitty but stuff still had to get done. Dave loaded up the van and we were on the road by about noon. The trip was uneventful. Roads were good. Just one slushie section just before entering Kamloops. Nothing to report home about. We got to my Uncle Gary's place and visited for a bit before heading to Grandma's house. We needed the key. I think by this point, Shane got a touch of what I had. He wasn't keeping anything down. He was happy and not fussy at all. Thank goodness. I thought it was going to be real hard staying at Grandma's house. I'm glad I have children as a diversion at times. The first thing Ryan said when we arrived was "Where's Grandma?" How do you explain this tragedy to a five year old? I was crushed inside. Dave told him that Grandma was in heaven up in the sky. His response was that we had to get on a plane to get her. I was in the bedroom crying. I did have to contain myself on many occasions as Ryan is a real sensitive child. When he sees me cry, he gets real worried and wants to know what is wrong and wants to kiss it to make it better. Like I said before, a good diversion. My uncle had arranged with the funeral home a viewing for me. I was devastated when I heard that Grandma had passed away....she was my rock. I wanted to see her so badly. This way, I got to say my goodbyes - for now. She looked beautiful. So peaceful, without pain or discomfort in her pretty pink dress. I had to touch her. Her hand was soft but cold. Boy did I cry. I'm crying now just thinking about her. What am I going to do without her? After I said my goodbyes, we went back to Grandma's to put the children to bed. Uncle Gary, Betty and Greg brought over pizza. I had one piece but my stomach was still very queasy. Dave never emerged. He fell asleep putting Ryan to bed.

That night, I couldn't sleep. I laid in Grandma's bed watching Shane sleep and thinking. It was a time to reflect, reminisce, cry, smile, laugh, and cry some more. My mind was racing. All of a sudden at about 1am, I heard a loud cry from Ryan. He was throwing up. Dave flew out of bed and asked that I deal with him as he was going to be sick too. I pulled Ryan out of bed, cleaned him up. Dave put his t-shirt on him as we only packed one pair of pajamas for him. Ryan was NOT happy about that. It would have made a cute picture. Shirt was to the floor, sleeves to his hands, and neck half way down his chest. Ryan's hair was all disheveled and he had tear stained cheeks. I put him in his sweat pants and sweat shirt and promised to wake him as soon as his pajamas were washed and dried. I stripped the bed and remade the bed. Ryan and Dave were both sick all night. I put a bucket beside the bed for Ryan and tried to explain to him that if he threw up in the bucket, then I wouldn't have to keep changing the bed or him to do laundry. For the rest of the night, he did his best to get it in the bucket. I was so proud of him. What a thing to be proud of eh? I swear, grandma's washer and dryer have never done so much laundry. I did about 5 loads of laundry by morning. I didn't sleep all night. I finally drifted off around 6am and was up at 8am to shower and get ready for the service. Dave was going to try and come but I told him I knew exactly how him and Ryan were feeling and that it was more important that they get better. Plus, nobody wants to share that bug. Brutal.

Tuesday February 21, 2006. Shane and I took off to my Uncle's place for 11am. There the close family was meeting before the service. There was a car coming for us to take us to the service at 12:15pm. My aunt and uncle had put out some food; veggie platter, fruit tray, deli tray and some buns. Because my stomach was STILL queasy, I went for some fruit which was fabulous. It was fresh and cold and quenched my thirst. Betty held Shane while I ate and he promptly fell asleep in her arms. It was so cute. The car came and we loaded up to head to the funeral home. The funeral director, Dennis had asked Greg and I to pick three songs for the actual service. One to be played at the beginning, the middle and the end. He would then play the rest of the CD for background music for the reception. Guests filed in first, then as the family entered behind Grandma in the casket, they played In the Arms of Angels by Sarah McLaughlin. The service itself was beautiful. Mary did a wonderful job. My uncle stood up to say a few words and broke down at the end. I had told him the night before that I would not be able to stand up and speak. The pain runs too deep. No one would understand me for one and to see someone in pain with grief, makes you cry. There wasn't a dry eye in the place. In the middle of the service, they played You Raise Me Up by Josh Groban and at the end of the service they played Amazing Grace by Faith Hill. We then followed Grandma to her final resting place at Hillside cemetery where she was buried beside my Grandpa Tak and my Uncle Dennis. I was the first to lay a rose on her casket and say my final goodbye. It was so hard. After Gregory laid his rose, he broke down. My aunt and uncle grabbed him to comfort him. I have to say, that was the loneliest moment I have ever felt in my life. I felt so alone. Who was going to comfort me? I have no family left. Is it selfish of me to think this way? Just thinking about it, I can feel the emptiness. It is deep, cold and hollow. After the graveside service we headed back to the funeral home for a reception. There was sandwiches, pastries etc. I couldn't eat. By this time it was about 3pm. My uncle had arranged for the immediate family to meet for dinner at Grandma's favorite Chinese food restaurant, Lee's at 5pm. When we arrived there, we ordered our drinks and then the food just started pouring out of the kitchen. My uncle had pre-ordered everything. I ate a bit more, still fighting the bug? or just not hungry because of the days events. I took off back to Grandma's for 7pm. I had to get Shane to bed. He was so awesome all day! He had one little cry during Grandma's service. Nothing a boob couldn't fix. I quickly nursed him and he fell asleep. He maybe napped for a total of an hour all day. He was such a trooper. I'm so proud of him. My uncle asked me to stop over to their house after I got him to sleep, but I declined as I was just wiped. Physically and emotionally. Having not slept the night before as well.

Wednesday February 22, 2006. Dave and I had planned to leave for home. I thought it was going to be hard staying at Grandma's. I soon discovered that it was going to be even harder to leave. I asked Dave if we could stay for one more day. I needed that day. Even though we were all on the mend, trying to recuperate, and didn't leave the house, the day just flew by. My uncle popped over late in the afternoon and dropped off some trays of food that were left over. Apparently my aunt caught the bug and was in bed. The week before Grandma's passing, they had put her on oxygen at the house so there was equipment in her bedroom and oxygen under her bed. The company had come by to pick it up. Ryan was all over him. What are you doing? and kept asking the poor man Where's Grandma? Dave came and got him and the man apologized for not knowing what to say. What can you say? I thanked him when he left.

Thursday February 23, 2006. It was a very hard day! There was a bit of early morning excitement in front of Grandma's house. Apparently there was a water break of some sort and the Kamloops Water Works crew were there with a dump truck, backhoe, and city workers. Dave went out to investigate. We packed up the van and Ryan got to sit in the backhoe. How exciting for him. I was having a real hard time leaving. I knew that I was never going to be there again. I stole a few more tear filled moments locking up the house before heading to the van. On the way to meet Uncle Gary and Greg at Denny's for breakfast, Ryan again asked where Grandma was. I started to cry, holding back as best I could and said to Ryan again that Grandma was in heaven up in the sky. His reply was that we had to take a purple spaceship to go and get her back. I couldn't have agreed more. We spent an hour and a half at breakfast before we hit the dusty trail. There is no other reason in the world to have to travel that awful Coquihala. It was scary. It was snowing and slippery and the roads were awful. I'm so thankful that Dave was driving. It took us about four hours to get home.

We came home to seven messages on the answering machine. I did get a phone call from Aysha's mom sending her condolences. Apparently she's in BC right now. Living or visiting, I'm not sure. Two messages from my sister Joanne. I knew something was up, we usually keep in touch via email or MSN. I said to Dave that I thought it had something to do with Dad. I called her as soon as I got home. Sure enough, Dad had passed away last week too. Apparently he was vacationing in Cambodia and they found him 2 days post mortem. Jo got a call from foreign affairs to notify her and she is working on sorting everything out. What a mess. My body cannot muster any tears for the man. I'm not sad in the least. How pathetic is that? I hadn't spoken to him in over ten years. I had half thought I should drop him a letter to let him know that Grandma passed away but now I don't have to open that can of worms.

Friday February 24, 2006. Ryan seemed to have a bit of a cough but was definitely on the mend. He went to school as normal and for the life of me I can't remember how I spent the rest of the day.

Saturday February 25, 2006. Lia came over and we (the boys too) went to Minter Country Store and looked at some plants. I got some seeds and a starter greenhouse for Ryan. I think it will be neat for him to see plants growing, and then transplant them out in the yard come spring. Hopefully something will grow. I'm not much of a green thumb. Unlike my Grandma, she could grow anything. We then went to the mall and got a quilt for Ryan's bed and a onesie for Shane from Sears. Everything was on sale and scratch and save too! The quilt was like $15 and the onesie was $6. Fantastic deals. It then started to snow. We came back to our place and made Lia wait for Dave and Kait to come home from the movies so he could take her home. It worked out great as John met them at Lias to get her couch to bring back here. We got way more snow then Abbotsford and Yarrow. We got about three inces. It's of course all gone now. Ryan had a blast with Dave playing outside, making snowmen and snow angels. He's sad that the snow is gone.

Monday February 27, 2006. What a $!#%!^$ day! Got up early to have a shower. I stopped off at Sardis Elementary to pick up the registration paperwork for Ryan's kindergarten, then off to preschool. When we first got in the van, I noticed that the back window was totally shattered. What the hell?! I was on the phone on the way to preschool to try and arrange getting it fixed. It couldn't have happened on a worse day! I had my specialist appointment in Abbotsford at 10:15am. Basically, I'm not taking enough medication consistently enough. He has also prescribed me some different medication which he says won't harm Shane or even an unborn baby if I were to get pregnant. I'm going to hold off for a bit. I'm going to try the Naproxen again and see how that works. Lia met me at the doctor's office to give me a new plaid winter coat for Shane. Is it ever cute! In the van again to go and pick up Ryan from preschool. On the way home, I dropped off the registration form for Ryan's kindergarten and then checked the mail and came home. Voxcom showed up at 12pm to install the alarm system. I had arranged to get the back window replaced at Speedy for 2pm. Voxcom guy wasn't done until 4pm. I had left him here at the house while I got the window fixed. Ryan, Shane and I waited at the glass shop for and hour and a half. Ryan was so good. Shane barely napped all day, maybe half an hour. I took Ryan to DQ for a smartie blizzard for being so good at the glass shop. We got back home at 4pm just in time for the guy to explain the new alarm system. I broke down this afternoon. Too much today. I felt tapped. I could take no more. Writing this blog has helped a bit. Now I am going to sleep.

Friday, February 17

In Loving Memory.....

Well, the worst has happened. My Grandma, passed away at 3:42pm on Wednesday, February 15, 2006. I can't stop crying. There are moments when the crying just overtakes me and I can't control it. There are so many silly little thoughts that go through my head that I feel stupid for even thinking them.

For instance, right away, I should have called her last weekend. But, I didn't. I thought of her throughtout the weekend but thought, I'm so crazy busy with kids, I'm not 100% feeling great, (still very sore all over) I'm tired and would like some time to just sit. Which I did to watch Desperate Housewives and Grey's Anatomy. Then off to bed. Of course, the week comes and I'm thrown into Ryan and school, the odds and ends of moving etc. So, on Monday, I went to the DMV and changed my address on my driver's license, went to Neufeld's to get chicken and then to the Bay to see Mike and Suzanne and got adjusted. That felt so great! Then back to Yarrow to pick up Ryan from school then home. Everyday there is something. What I'm trying to say is that Grandma and I usually talked every Sunday and at the very least every other Sunday.
Dave used to kid around and say that "that was a record on the phone this time eh?" I'd look to see how long we were talking and say, "nope, I've talked longer before". We usually always talked for at least an hour. Grandma and I talked about everything. We didn't always agree on everything but then who does?

When mom passed away in 1988, Grandma filled that void for me. Even though Grandma and I talked about grown up things, I always felt like a little child when I was with her. Looking for her to be proud of me, and always wanting to be "good". When she was able bodied, my annual summer visits to her were memorable. She always took care of me, like I was on vacation. She never wanted me to pay for anything, cook anything, or clean anything. As her body deteriorated over the last five years, she would finally let me do more and more for her, which made me feel good to finally be able to do things for her.

Grandma suffered a lot of heartache in her time. Our telephone conversations often brought up our shared losses and we were here for each other to console one another. Now, I feel alone to console myself. Those comforting words are in my heart and my head but I will never 'hear" them again. Grandma lost her youngest son Christmas time of 1973. I was only two years old when Uncle Dennis died. He was killed by a drunk driver heading home from Christmas celebrations with us. Grandma always used to say "what if". What if he had just used the bathroom before he left, or stayed over one more night or........ I told her that she can't play that game with herself, it was out of her control. I can't imagine losing a child. Ryan and Shane are so precious to me that I think I would seriously lose myself in sorrow and grieft if anything happened to them. Children are not supposed to die before you. They are meant to outlive you. In 1983, my grandpa passed away. I loved him so much. He liked to preted that he was the stearn strict one....ha, what a laugh. He was the kindest gentlest man you'd ever meet. Then in 1988, my mompassed away of lupus. It was a long five months in the hospital. I remember that she had slipped into a coma like state. The doctors and nurses said that she could hear everything we said. The last time I saw my mom, I sat with her for hours. I've never cried so much. I told her that it was selfish of me to keep telling her ti fight to live when it was something that she always said, "if I don't have quality of life, or have to live in a wheelchair, I don't want to live". I told her that if she felt it was her time to go, then basically, I was ok with her decision. That night she passed away. That was the hardest time in my life. It still reduces me to tears. I don't think it's something I will ever "get over". So, Grandma, lost yet another child. How is this even happening? I'm so happy to say that my uncle Gary and his wife Betty and my cousing Greg still live in Kamloops and I am close with them. As my uncle said last night. "we're like the last of the mohicans". I let out a little tear filled laugh.

My girlfriend Kelli and her son Logan came for a visit on Friday. It was so good to see her. We don't get together as often as we should or would like as we live about an hour and fifteen minutes apart. Suzanne touched on some truths. Kelli is my one link to my past. She has been through everything with me. She knew my mom, briefly, she knew grandma, and, unfortuantely, knew dad too. She did a lot of buttering dad up over those last teenage years, but that story is better suited for a later date. It's true, Kelli and I have seen and done it all. We have been friends for 20 years. Wow, when you write it, that's a long time. We've seen our share of ups and downs and have managed to stand the test of time together. I thank my lucky stars for her to be a part of my life.

The one thing I'm most happy about is that Grandma was able to see me get married. She really pressed me on that issue. Dave and I had lived together for 7 years before we got married. We had Ryan three years before we got married. Grandma used to say that she would like to see me get married before she died. She got that wish. She of course helped us out a lot. I'm so glad that we got married of course, but to have Grandma there, meant everything.

Two things that make me real sad are; I never got a chance to see or speak to her before she passed away. I would have liked to have a chance to get to the hospital to say my goodbyes. Second, she never got to meet Shane. Her second great grandchild. Not that Shane would ever remember it but, for me would have meant a lot. She did get his pictures at Christmas time.

My girlfriend Suzanne came for a visit today bearing gifts. Her junk One man's junk is another man's treasure. She's always thinking of me. I can't put into words how much I appreciate everything she does for me and my family. She always listen's to my rants and let's me vent and unload all my crap. I'm sorry...hopefully you can dump it and not take it on. We both had interesting readings today....dare to share later......and of course accomplished no card making. Just a little snacking. I can't believe that she was thinking of coming with me to Kamloops to help me with the kids if Dave was unable to get time off work. There is a true dedicated friend for you. Of course, being a union guy, time off is no problem and a no brainer. We're doing this together. Thank you Suzanne for you all your love and thoughtfulness. I Love you! Don't ever think that I take you for granted, I appreciate our friendship and our lives intertwining immensly. I just need to say it more often.

I've put together some music for grandma's service. I downloaded a bunch of music and sent the list to Greg. We narrowed it down to eight songs.
1. The Prayer - Josh Groban
2. Tears in Heaven - Eric Clapton
3. Will you remember me - Sarah McLaughlin
4. The wind beneath my wings - Bette Midler
5. My Heart Will Go On - Celine Dion
6. You Raise Me Up - Josh Groban
7. In the arms of angels - Sarah McLaughlin
8. Amazing Grace - Faith Hill
Uncle Gary has pretty much taken care of everything else. I feel so usless being so far away and not able to help. I feel that I should be helping in some way.

Dave and I will be taking Ryan to school on Monday. When we pick him up from school, we'll be heading straight up to Kamloops. Uncle Gary was thinking of me and out of town family when he set up a viewing at 7:00pm Monday evening. This will give us a chance to say our goodbyes.

The actual service will be held on Tuesday February 21, 2006 @ 1pm. After the internment there will be a get together at the funeral home with catered sandwiches, pastries, tea and coffee etc. In the evening, the family will gather at Lee''s for a chinese supper. I remember doing this when Grandpa passed away too. I told Uncle Gary that I would help with the Thank you cards on Wednesday morning and then Dave and I will come home around lunch time.

The hardest thing for me will be staying at Grandma's. I asked Uncle Gary where Dave and I should stay. I had meant hotel wise. He said that of course Grandma's if I felt comfortable with that. As hard as this is going to be, I think it will be good therapy for me. This hurts so much. it's almost not real. I can still hear her voice. I hope I never forget it. Over the years, my mom's voice has faded. Not her memory, but I have a hard time 'hearing' her voice and that makes me cry. I do know that we'll all be re-united one day but it doesn't make it any easier on the living right now.

I thank god for my close friendships.....Kelli, Suzanne, and Charmaine. That's why they were all in my wedding party. I appreciate all of my friends that I don't get to see or talk to very often too! Cassandra, Tracy, Debbie, Aysha, if I forgot you, you know who you are. Big hugs. When I think of all the love and support given to me by my friends, I believe I am truly blessed. However, there is nothing like family. That is why my family with Dave is so important to me. With my family diminishing, I feel the need to have to build my family with Dave and only hope that I get to experience every last little milestone and hurrah that comes their way. I think that is why I have a tendency to keep everything. It's a way for me to cope number one and second a way for me to cherich the memory associated with the item. If I were to get rid of it, that memory may be lost. That scares me.

I don't know if I will have the strength to say a few words at Grandma's funeral, or even what to say for that mater. All I know is that my "rock" is gone. I feel lost without her. I loved her so much that I can't even explain the deep pain I feel when I think of her being gone. It's not empty, it's just painful. I know in my head that it's the circle of life and that death has to be faced head on but I would not wish grief on anyone. It's got to be the most deep down, sould\ scarring hurt you'll ever feel. My soul knows we'll re-unite someday. My physical self wants her back more.

I Love You Grandma....Thank you for all that you have taught me and shared with me. You are a piece of me and my boys, and that resonates through.

Tuesday, February 14

A very happy Shane on Christmas morning! I know it's old, but I love his cute little smile! Posted by Picasa

What a day!

Well, where do I begin? I did finally get the table and chairs put together. Of course there always has to be drama in my life. I stepped away for only a second to feed Shane and had asked Ryan NOT to touch anything. Next thing I know, I hear one real loud crash and then one smaller crash. Needless to say, I freaked out! So, my new table has a ding and a couple scratches on it already! ah, boys......Definitely not the first mishap, and for sure won't be the last. I finished putting the table and chairs together by about 7:00pm.

I swear I am not destined to eat hot food. It's true what they say, moms know how to eat fast and with one hand. In this case, Dave came home with our coveted Rendez Vous. Oh, did it smell good. That was at about 6:10pm. I kept Shane up so he could see dad before bed. He hadn't slept much at all today, so an early bedtime for him. Got him to sleep by about 6:40pm. Dave dished out the food for us...I was on my way.....I put some chicken nuggets in the toaster oven for Ryan and finished putting together the last two chairs when.......The melodic sound of Shane crying on the baby monitor....What? He's awake already? I told Dave to go ahead without me, but he declined. What a sweetheart. (He did sneak his garlic toast to fend off the hunger pains). I waddled back up the stairs (opposite kind of day, good mild pain in the morning, and stiffened right up this afternoon) nursed Shane again for about 20mins until he drifted off. He had a good grip on my shirt and opened his eyes up at came the suckie and off to lala land he went. Managed to pry away and fly down the stairs to my awaiting husband and Ryan sitting at our new table to eat supper. I do say that the meal was fabulous even if it was cold. I went for the'd ya guess? Since I didn't have it at Ryan's birthday, I had to have it now! It was worth the wait, always is.

Got a phone call from my cousin Greg today. Things are not looking good for grandma. They put her on heavy antibiotics which is clearing up the mucous and phlegm out of her lungs but with her fibrosis, she is having a hard time getting oxygen. The fibrosis in her lungs is so inflamed that it's blocking her body from getting air. Greg told me that they gave her a steroid anti-inflammatory shot and that they would wait to see if that helps. Greg said that my uncle, aunt and him were at the hospital today and she basically told them that she wanted to give up. They told her no and they fully expect her to fight this to come home. My uncle is going to stay with her at the hospital over night tonight. I told Greg, (both of us crying now) that I want to be called right away if anything turns for the worse. I have to see her. I can't stop crying. Strong? Me? Hardly.....

Kaili, I can't believe I'm blogging either. Technology like this usually eludes me, just ask your dad. I do however believe that it entered into my life at just the right time. I'm using this as a way to put into words, words that I can't seem to express to anyone and hopefully won't offend, or be judged by it. I'm sure that when you come down this weekend that you could possibly pick up some dressing to take home from the Rendez Vous. At this stage in your pregnancy, food is everything! I loved being pregnant! Can;t wait to meet your new little one, which I'm sure you can't either. Sorry to hear you're not able to come on Saturday, but you're welcome anytime.

Time for me to sign off as I am physically and mentally wiped right out and have to be up early to take Ryan to school. Wishing everyone, joy, love, laughter and happiness on this day, Valentine's!

Love Tara

Happy Valentine's Day

Well, what a day so far. I do have to say that I woke up feeling the best I have felt in a few weeks. Not to say that I'm pain free or anything but my feet and legs weren't so cramped up. Thanks Mike for the great adjustment! I do believe that may have been just what I needed. Today my hands and wrists hurt more than my feet and knees. I'm keeping on with the cetyl myristoleate, the omega 3-6-9, and the fenugreek and rich milk tea. I continue to take the advil and the T1's to take the edge off of the pain.

Ryan and Shane and I walked to Sardis Elementary this morning for an open house from 9:30 - 10:30am. Great Vice Principal - Mr. Klassen. They had a Valentine's craft for Ryan to do and snacks. He got a free Clifford book to bring home too! Oh, and a goodie bag! We got to tour the school and see the gym. Seems like a real nice school! After that we got a call from Wal-Mart. Our kitchen table had arrived. We flew back out the door and off to Abbotsford to pick it up. Now I just have to put it together. Hopefully before Dave gets home with our Rendez Vous supper. I just can't wait. I will post more of a blog later after supper. All the best..........

Monday, February 13

Brothers...Ryan & Shane Posted by Picasa

Where to begin?

Well, here goes nothing. There are a lot of things on my plate at the moment. I currently have a five year old attending preschool three times a week. His name is Ryan. I have a four month old who is attached to me at the hip most of the time....His name is Shane. I LOVE my boys. Wow, you truly don't know what love is until you have kids. Amazing.

My husband Dave and I just purchased a bigger house and moved from Yarrow to Sardis on the 20th of January. We moved from a dinky little 920sq ft house (which, originally was just fine for the two of us) to a grand spacious two level, 2,000 sq ft house ( which is great for the kids.) I truly love it here. There was no break in period. It felt like home right away! I wish we still lived in Yarrow, but this was a good trade off. There are still a few boxes left to unpack, but thoses are the boxes of things that you really don't know what to do with. I can't chuck them, (as Suzy and Cass would like me to) I will use them, just need to find them their "spot"

My grandma was taken to the hospital again this past weekend. She has pneumonia. My aunt Betty called me last night to tell me the news. They have her on some strong antibiotics and will stay. They don't know how long at this point but will keep me informed. My grandma has been my rock through my whole life. Together, we have suffered great losses but have managed to keep each other sane. With the death of my mom Karen at 34 years of age, my uncle Dennis in his early 20's and my grandpa Tak in his early 60's. I don't know how my grandma has managed not to wallow in sorrow. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of my mom. I miss her greatly. I think of all things I wish I could share with her now, now that I finally understand the things she told me I would when I grew up. Funny how that works.

My health has been rather shitty lately. It started about a week or two before the move. Pain throughout my body. The most pain of course is in my hands, wrists, knees are real bad, ankles, feet and toes. I struggle the most in the morning and then as the day wears on, I seem to "loosen" up. Meds help with that as well. I have been to the MD and had some blood work done. It came back positive for rheumatoid arthritis. I went to the specialist and he said to me after he examined me that he was confused. Of course, that's the way I'm made. I'm here to stump everyone. He told me that had he not had the positive RA blood work, he would say that I have lupus. He is sending me to a dermatologist on the 15th of February to examine the rash on my face and then I seem him in follow up on the 20th. I don't know how much he can do for me considering I am not willing to take any medication at this point since I'm still nursing Shane. He is more important to me. I would rather endure a little pain than stop nursing him. Through much contemplation, (and my pendulum), I don't believe I have rheumatoid arthritis or lupus. I do believe it is inflammatory in nature. I believe it stems from hormones. I am not a doctor but my brain tells me that it could be a thyroid dysfunction (which I will ask on Monday) or an allergy of some kind. I just have to have the patience (which the O'Hara blood in me doesn't afford me) to try and figure out my body.The worst part about pain, is that you can only take it for so long. Friday was a real bad day for me. I was crying most of the day and really depressed. If I didn't have the boys to worry about, I probably would have holed myself up somewhere. It was that bad. Even now as I type, I'm very emotional. Little thoughts make me cry. Enough about that, I need to get some sleep and want to post my first blog with pictures tonight! I wish everyone health, love, joy and wisdom on Valentine's Day and everyday!

Love to my boys,
Love to my hubby, Dave
Love to my friends,

Guess What?