Tuesday, August 22


Well, I decided that since they were predicting a 30% chance of rain for tomorrow that I would get the boys outside doing something fun today. It was a toss up between Dinotown and Birchwood Dairy. I knew for sure that Ryan would love the dinosaurs, so I called Oma at 8:30 this morning to see if she would like to join us. She arrived at our house around 10:30 and we left for Dinotown (right near Bridal Falls) at 10:50.
We had a blast! I am glad that Oma came, beause that gave Ryan and I the chance to do things together just the two of us while Oma pushed Shane in the stroller. We went boating, quite a few times. Ryan didn't really paddle, he mostly kept getting me wet. Then we went on the bike track. He actually wore a helmut, but I had to hold him on my lap and peddle. My legs are a little stiff from that one.

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He loved the water park and the bumper cars and the dino slide etc etc. We could have stayed longer but Oma had a doctor's appointment in Abbotsford for 4:30 so we left the park at 2:45. It was definitely long enough. Ryan says, he definitely wants to go again! I will probably take him again, maybe on a weekend when we don't have Kaitlyn as she is way too old for it, and so that Dad can do these fun things with him too. Then I can be the one to push Shane around. Funny enough, I ran into my boss' wife Jen Bay, with their two daughters, Bella and Kaitlyn and her parents and nephews. How funny. Ryan has another swim lesson tomorrow at noon. I sure hope that he enjoys that. After the last one, he didn't want to go again. I just really want him to know how to swim. It would make me feel a lot better considering he has no fear of the water right now. Anyhow, if we do anything else this week, we'll let you know. Hope that everyone is doing well, if anyone ever reads my blog.

Wednesday, August 16

Master at eating Cheerios...

I love this age! This is when Shane's learning curve goes way up! He has mastered getting those cheerios in his mouth. It's so cute. Yesterday he managed to climb all the stairs to upstairs. I'm going to have to buy some gates real quick like.

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Saturday, August 12

Funland with Cassandra and Brooklyn

Well, we had a fantastic visit today with Brooklyn and Cassandra. For anyone who doesn't know, I work with Cass at the Apollo. She's currently doing my job while I am away and then some. Poor girl. Anyhow, we took the kids up to Funland at Cultus Lake across from the waterslides. I would say that we spent close to four hours there. Tonnes to do for the little ones. There are lots of play areas with balls and games, mini golf, paddlewheelers, tree fort maze where you have to try and find the hidden bugs. (they are pictures on plaques strategically placed throughout the fort) There was a bike track, which the kids didn't bother with. A play/sing song stage which Brooklyn participated. Ryan couldn't care less. There was a maze made of tarps etc where inside you need to find pictures. (when you arrive, they give you a card for the tree fort with pictures of the bugs on it to color as you find them and a card with six pictures to find in the maze) At each picture there is a hole punch. There was a bowling shack, and a mini town, and a sand pit with tractors and stuff. Ryan and Shane loved that! There is even a misting tent to cool off if it's too hot. It was a perfect day today. Not too hot, not cold at all, slight breeze! It was fantastic. Oh, can't forget about the bubble train ride. Not actually a train, more like a tractor and two carts all spruced up to look like a train, and you travel around on the grass in a circle around the playground area. Ryan loved that too! He really didn't want to leave. On our way out, we did stop for ice cream. Ryan had smartie, I had KitKat, Brooklyn had Banana, and Cass had sherbert I think. It was great. Can't wait to do it again. It was that or the Chilliwack Agrifair. This was way more fun! The boys had their bath before bed as Ryan was filthy dirty. Going to have to scrub that tub tomorrow! haha Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

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Thursday, August 10

The Ant Bully

Well, yesterday we went to see the Ant Bully at the Cottonwood 4 movie theater. It was way better than Barnyard! By Far! I originally wanted to go to the 1:10 at Towne with Charmaine and Emily but I had to WAKE Kaitlyn at 12:30. I was a little steaming. Also, Shane had gone down for a nap at 11:00am. Shane would have been ok to wake tho. Anyway, then I thought that maybe we could make the 2:35 at Mission Silvercity. Kaitlyn decided that she wasn't hungry. (In the back of my head I was thinking, that if she's not hungry then no popcorn) What a bitch I am. Well, after I got Shane and fed him lunch and Ryan to get socks on and Kaitlyn to get dressed, it was like 1:45. Definitely not enough time to get to Mission. Scrap that idea. So, then next showing was in Chilliwack at 3:35. I didn't want to go so late only because, then I would be running until bedtime. Get home, make supper, do dishes, get kids ready for bed and then maybe think about sitting. Crazy, but that's what we did. I did buy Kaitlyn popcorn and a pop. I sat down with her and told her that she needs to get up earlier in respect of the rest of the family. If we want to do anything or go have some fun, we can't be sitting around waiting for her all the time. When her dad came home, she was down, and her dad picked up on that right away. She told him that she was feeling guilty about sleeping so late. I explained to him everything I said to Kaitlyn right in front of Kaitlyn and he was ok with that. Surprisingly enough, she was up, dressed and on the computer when I came down with Ryan and Shane at 9:30. I made Shane and Ryan breakfast first then I made sausages, eggs and toast for her and I. She is NOW having her shower. Deep breath. I know her way of thinking, that she didn't want to wake up anybody by having a shower. So here we wait yet again....and it is 10am. So, now we'll have to wait until after Shane's nap to do anything because he'll be going down in an hour. Kaitlyn goes home tomorrow. I was hoping that we would do some fun things while she was here. I guess not. Anyway, enough of me ranting.....hope everyone is doing great!

Well it won't let me upload pictures at this time, so will later.

Wednesday, August 9

Sharing some pictures and Video

Ryan decided to put his shades on Shane...What do you think?

Ryan picking up the plums that have fallen off our tree in the backyard.

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Friday, August 4

Too Funny

I read this on someone else's blog and just had to copy it. Isn't this true ladies?


I believe it's gotta do with the fact that linguistics is perceived differently by both genders. Although further inroads in research needs to be made, one thing's for sure -- the failure to recognize the issue will result in men not getting any jiggy.



This is the word women use to end an argument when they are right and you need to shut up.


If she is getting dressed, this is half an hour. Five minutes is only five minutes if you have just been given 5 more minutes to watch the game before helping around the house.


This is the calm before the storm. This means "something" and you should be on your toes. Arguments that begin with 'Nothing' usually end in "Fine"


This is a dare, not permission. Don't do it.


This is not actually a word, but is a non-verbal statement often misunderstood by men. A "Loud Sigh" means she thinks you are an idiot and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here and arguing with you over "Nothing"


This is one of the most dangerous statements a woman can make to a man. "That's Okay" means that she wants to think long and hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistake.


A woman is thanking you. Do not question it or faint. Just say you're welcome.

This is for the men to warn them about future arguments they can avoid with their female counterparts if they remember the terminology!

And this is for the ladies to give them a good tickle!

Oh, and before I forget ......


...it's a woman's way of saying *!#@ YOU!

Free Personality Test - How True

Your Personality Profile

You are dependable, popular, and observant.
Deep and thoughtful, you are prone to moodiness.
In fact, your emotions tend to influence everything you do.

You are unique, creative, and expressive.
You don't mind waving your freak flag every once and a while.
And lucky for you, most people find your weird ways charming!


Well, took the boys to see Barnyard this afternoon. I thought it was an ok flick Shane was a real good boy, got a little bit restless near the end. We went to the 3:30 showing at Towne. Ryan, on the other hand, was restless pretty much through the whole thing. It didn't really seem to hold his attention. During the coyote scenes he did get a bit anxious and was into what was going to happen but overall, I don't think it was all that he expected. Overall, I would wait until it comes out on DVD. We do want to go see Cars and/or The Ant Bully. We'll see if Ryan earns another afternoon at the movies. The reward chart is working like a charm. I Love it! Hope everyone has a wonderful long weekend! Ciao!

Tuesday, August 1

Newest Creation : Mini Baby Album

This is my newest creation, a mini baby album for Dan and Tanya's new baby, Zachary James Bos. He was born on the 25th of July.

I have this alphabet set that I bought to do my scrapbooks for the boys and couldn't wait to use them. Each letter has a picture of an animal integrated into the letter. They are so cute. So what I did was, each page is the letter of the alphabet with a descriptive word for each page. I then included a white journaling box at the bottom of each page and then a little colored oval for the date. I also scored the pages at 6" so they can cut out the pages if they want to put the pages into a 6" x 6" album. I did that purposely.

Tell me what you think and would love any suggestions for the next time I do it.

This is the front cover.

Inside front cover and first page which is labeled "A" for Adorable.

This "H" for Hugs and "I" for I Love You.

This page is "P" for Precious and "Q" for Quiet. Of course each page's matte is a different color.

Shane is pulling himself up..for about a week now.

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Guess What?