Well, we had a fantastic visit today with Brooklyn and Cassandra. For anyone who doesn't know, I work with Cass at the Apollo. She's currently doing my job while I am away and then some. Poor girl. Anyhow, we took the kids up to Funland at Cultus Lake across from the waterslides. I would say that we spent close to four hours there. Tonnes to do for the little ones. There are lots of play areas with balls and games, mini golf, paddlewheelers, tree fort maze where you have to try and find the hidden bugs. (they are pictures on plaques strategically placed throughout the fort) There was a bike track, which the kids didn't bother with. A play/sing song stage which Brooklyn participated. Ryan couldn't care less. There was a maze made of tarps etc where inside you need to find pictures. (when you arrive, they give you a card for the tree fort with pictures of the bugs on it to color as you find them and a card with six pictures to find in the maze) At each picture there is a hole punch. There was a bowling shack, and a mini town, and a sand pit with tractors and stuff. Ryan and Shane loved that! There is even a misting tent to cool off if it's too hot. It was a perfect day today. Not too hot, not cold at all, slight breeze! It was fantastic. Oh, can't forget about the bubble train ride. Not actually a train, more like a tractor and two carts all spruced up to look like a train, and you travel around on the grass in a circle around the playground area. Ryan loved that too! He really didn't want to leave. On our way out, we did stop for ice cream. Ryan had smartie, I had KitKat, Brooklyn had Banana, and Cass had sherbert I think. It was great. Can't wait to do it again. It was that or the Chilliwack Agrifair. This was way more fun! The boys had their bath before bed as Ryan was filthy dirty. Going to have to scrub that tub tomorrow! haha Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

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Glad you all had a great day and that the weather was great as well.
Was all the stuff for kids or did they have things that parents could do as well?
mostly just for the kids. you could help the kids by looking for the bugs in the tree fort, it's quite big. you could play the gigantic snakes and ladders game or gigantic memory game with the kids. The nice thing tho is you can bring a picnic lunch as they have picnic tables set up everywhere and sit and watch the kids play. It's just fun seeing the kids having so much fun. Ryan is still talking about wanting to go back today. Dave want's to go this week again. Maybe I can convince him to go Wednesday, then I can come with just Shane to see your new house! huh huh..??? ;)
sounds like a great day, they type of place which is perfect for Ryan's age and it's nice that the weather was cooperating too!
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