Friday, October 20

Birthday Party

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Well, I'm sorry that it has taken me so long to blog. Last Saturday we celebrated Shane's first birhtday with family and friends. Oma came over as did Kelli, Dean, Jordan and Logan. Suzanne came after she was done work without Mike and Jared. Unfortunately, the McAuley family were sick with flu and was happy that they decided not to share it with us. Of course Shane was spoiled rotten. He got everything Mom wanted. haha. I really wanted some long sleeved diaper shirts for like under overalls and stuff. I got lots of those. Sue also got Shane the winter hat with velcro under the chin (so he can't get it off) and mitts that I asked for. What a doll. She also got him a great Baby Einstein counting book. Kelli and family got Shane the cutest outfit. Lil Digger sweater jacket, shirt and jeans. She also got him a big wooden puzzle with big knobby handles. Oma got Shane the walker you see in previous video and a really cute shirt from Roots. We got Shane this really cute shape sorting turtle. It of course makes noise and music. What was I thinking. I also got him a set of plastic balls with different items on the inside. They're like discovery toys. Hard to explain. He had a big cake from Costco which he didn't really muck in. I think the kids had a fun time. It was great for me to actually get to visit with my friends. I hardly ever get to see Kelli and Sue anymore. Kelli lives an hour from here and Sue, well she just works too much.

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Charmaine and Emily paid us a visit on Monday. They were feeling a bit better and wanted to get Shane his birthday presents. Well, what can I say. More spoiling. More diaper shirts and t-shirt. Really cute! Of course, they got Shane a really noisy toy - (payback is sweet) They got him a talking cordless phone and base. Shane is supposed to call all his animal friends. the base of the phone is on wheels. Shane just loves pushing that thing all around the ouse while it's making all those great noises.......:)

Other news on the "dad's estate" front. I think I've got dad's mobile sold. I received the first offer on Monday and countered. Then they countered and the real estate lady said they weren't going to budge. I said ok. I don't want to be saddled with paying the rent and heat over the winter. The home inspection is scheduled for Monday at 8am. I am installing a brand new oil tank on the 31st. $1400 bucks. The buyers want quick possession. They want it for November 15th. Yikes, that means I have to get my sorry ass out there to get the place emptied and cleaned out. Not my idea of a holiday. I'll take Shane with me and fly into Ottawa and then drive the 2 hours to Petawawa. From Toronto it's like over 5 hours. Joanne says she wants to come but we'll see what happens. I want to be in and out of there in less than four days. A day to travel there, two days there and a day to travel home. Dave has to take time off work to look after Ryan and get him to and from school. Next week can't do it as I'm helping out at Ryan's school on the 27th and Dave is away from the 29th to the 3rd of November on course in Qualicum Beach. So really, I only have two weeks to choose from to get out there. The good news is they want the master bedroom suite, 2 dressers, 2 night tables and the couch. A little less for me to deal with. I'm thinking I'm going to hire a cleaner while I'm there boxing stuff up. I don't want to have to buy cleaning supplies. Who knows if dad has a vacuum or mop etc. At least if I hire a cleaner, she'll have all of that stuff. Plus who knows how much I can get done with a one year old running around.

Tomorrow after Dave gets home from his Yarrow gig, I think we're going to try and take Ryan and Shane to the Apple Barn Pumpkin Patch. It's supposed to be a beautiful sunny day tomorrow and Dave is going to sadly miss Ryan's field trip on the school bus to the pumpkin patch. As it is, I can't even take Shane. I've asked Charmaine to watch Shane for me so I can go. Thank you Charmaine, I really appreciate you doing this for me. Anyway, I'm going to try and post some birthday pictures and then watch Ghost Whisperer which I've taped before Shane wakes up. Well, Shane woke up, and is now back to sleep, I'm going to try the picture thing and go to bed instead. I'll watch my show tomorrow. The beauty of taping.


Tankgirlxx said...

Whew! Never a dull moment round yours :o) Glad Shane had a lovely 1st bday and you received the e-card. What a relief that you've sold your Dad's Mobile home, still a pain to have to go and pack it up tho. At least once it is done that chapter is hopefully closed. I wish you were coming on hols with me too :o) 2 weeks today, 14 sleeps, not that I'm counting or anything.....My base tan is all sorted, I actually have white bits. Okay compared to most people it's not much of a tan at all but to ole pasty white me it is :) Look forward to hearing about the pumpkin patch, they don't have anything like that here, no Xmas tree farms either where you get to cut your own.

Tankgirlxx said...

oh and I watch the Ghost Whisperer too :o) real tear jerkers some of em

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