Monday, October 2

Terrible Blogger

Well, I have been a terrible blogger. Actually, I haven't felt like blogging as my life really isn't that exciting. We are however celebrating a few birthdays. Dave's birthday is October 3rd. For his birthday I bought him a ticket for the gala event celebrating our new WHL team, the Chilliwack Bruins. Brian Burke who is a part owner and some other famous hockey people, and of course the team were all there. It was a big buffet night. That's always good for Dave! Charmaine bought a ticket for John so they could go together. The following night was the official home opener which they went to as well. Dave got his picture taken with the Stanley Cup and the Memorial Cup.

My nephew Jesse is celebrating his 24th birthday today, October 2, 2006. Happy birthday goes out to him.

My friend Mike is hitting the big 5 - 0 this year on October 4th. A very happy birthday to you! Hope your day is great and that you had a wonderful time with your kids over the weekend.

The biggest birthday to celebrate is of our youngest - Shane. He will be the big 1 years old on the 12th. I'm celebrating by getting his hair cut and some pictures taken. I think I'm going to try and do all of that on the 11th actually as Ryan starts another round of swimming lessons on the 12th. Oma has gotten Shane his first birthday present already. It's a walker that I ordered off of the Toys'R'Us website. He loves it. Ryan loves it too! What one has the other wants too!

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I will post pictures of Shane after we get his hair cut! Surprise for everyone!

1 comment:

Tankgirlxx said...

you haven't been a terrible blogger....everyone needs a break and how can you say nothing exciting has been going have 2 young boys I'm sure there is tons going on, one just doesn't think about putting it down. Wow Shane is going to be 1 already! Time really does fly. I hope he has a very special day, which I'm sure he will with such a great family.

Guess What?