Well, Friday was a pretty busy day. At least the morning. Got up early and had a shower with Shane in his bouncy chair....playing peek-a-boo. I'm glad I have glass doors on the shower so that I can see him without having to open them up and letting all that nice hot air out. Got Ryan off to preschool. Last day before spring break. Like they need a break from going to preschool two hours a day, three days a week. Ha! Shane and I hit Save-On-Foods to pick up my new prescription for this damn rheumatoid arthritis. Geez, it's been really tough the last few days. The Naproxen and Tylenol 1's aren't doing a thing. That's why I decided to go and fill the other prescription that's been sitting in my purse for a couple weeks. Of all things, it's also used as an anti-malarial drug. I guess I don't have to worry about getting malaria. I can barely lift Shane up as the pain in my hands, wrists and elbows is brutal. I'm really hoping that my visit with Dr. Lees on the 23rd will give me some tools to deal with this. Anyhow, also picked up Kaitlyn's Canuck t-shirt that we redeemed points for. Dave wants to put it away until her birthday in May unless she remembers that we ordered it and asks for it. Kaitlyn doesn't have a real good memory. From there, Shane and I headed over to Sears to pick up some new toys for him that I ordered. I was going to pick it up on Thursday, but it snowed. I decided that I didn't want to drive in it or leave the house at that point. I got Shane a 5 in 1 play thing. I'm not sure what you call it. He lays under it and can kick, then lights flash and music plays. It teaches, shapes and colors and then eventually converts into an art desk with a bench. It's really cool and it was on sale for $39.99. I also got him an exersaucer. I'm having such a hard time carrying him around all the time with this pain in my hands that I decided that I would get him an exersaucer to give me hands free play with him for a few minutes. It's great! He only spends about 10-15 minutes in it at a time. I think it's because he has to build up his muscles in his core. Check out this picture, he is so intent on the ball. The bright colors are great too! The other great thing is that you can fold this one flat and take it with you.

We then hit Tim Horton's on the way back to Yarrow to pick Ryan up from preschool. We headed back home to meet Mr. Rooter. We have the odd problem with the downstairs toilet. It's not flushed maybe four times since we moved in. Dave's brother Bo and his wife Jenn and the kids are probably going to come and stay a couple nights during spring break. We wanted to get the toilet fixed to save any embarrasement. Mr. Rooter came, inspected and said that there was nothing wrong. Apparently, Kohler, the type of toilet we have is know for "erratic flushes". That they are mainly bought for design not function. The guy said that our green "Kohler" was probably worth $1500. What good is spending that kind of money on a toilet that doesn't flush?They were here for about an hour. I was ready to pay, and they said it was no charge. Have you ever heard of that? Man, was I shocked. Thankful, but shocked. I spent the rest of the afternoon putting Shanes toys together. Dave was off to pick up Kaitlyn and I had told Dave I would meet him at ARC with his hockey equipment so he could play. I took the kids to Smitty's for supper. We got home around 8:30pm and I put the boys to bed.
I didn't leave the house today, Saturday March 11, 2006. I didn't do a whole lot. Puttered around mostly. Shane on my hip at every turn. He hates being put down. I keep telling myself to enjoy it while I can. He'll be on the move soon enough. Kaitlyn wanted to rent the new Harry Potter movie and I told her that when they went that I wanted to see Wedding Crashers. They went to two video stores and Harry Potter was totally out. So, they rented Wedding Crashers for me. After I put Shane to bed and cleaned up the kitchen, and swept the floors, I sat down to watch it. I watched it by myself. I had some real good laughs. I wish I could laugh more like that more often. I enjoyed that movie. I really like Owen Wilson. What a character. Anyhow, some parting pictures that I took today. Goodnight.
This is obvious, this is Shane and I. Of course, when I'm at home, no makeup, hair in a pony.
Ryan found his shades in the depths of one of his toy boxes. Doesn't he look cool?! Of course it was a bright sunny day today.
I loved wedding crashers!!! I love the part when Vince Vaughn comes down stairs after is horrible night and says to Owen wilson that he needs to see his therapist, they can drop the whole "mom" thing, cause he's got bigger prolems now, it makes me laugh just thinking about that part. Vince is so smooth! I Like Owen also!
My e-mail is choose2behappy@hotmail.com please send me the pic of Kiefer, I do love him, Robin loves him too, but not like me! Hehe! You told me about you meeting him back in dec. when I was down for my appointment and we went for dinner remember?
Anyways I would LOVE to see it!!!
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