Sunday, April 15

Short Week

Well, just a quick post as nothing too exciting in the Macfarlane household. I went to Costco with the boys and Lia on Monday. Basically too and from school. Tuesday night I went to my upline's demonstrator meeting (Colourful Impressions) with Sue. There was a quick make and take and there was some real helpful business information. It was great. Shane and I did go to Krista's for coffee on Thurday and a short play with her son Jairden who is 2 months younger than Shane. Basically every night this week, I was prepping for my first Scrap Club meeting on Saturday. There was five of us and it was a lot of fun. In two weeks I'll be hosting a Mother's Day workshop. Check out my paper crafts site for details on that. Other than that, a lazy day. I'm just going to take Shane for a nap. Here are some pictures of the boys playing hockey in the garage. First time ever for Shane holding a stick! Pretty good eh?

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Tankgirlxx said...

the next wayne gretsky!

Sue said...

Great video - so you have a couple of hockey players on your hands eh.

Guess What?