Tuesday, April 10

Happy Easter

Mainly a picture update. We had Lia over for Ham and scalloped potatoes on Sunday. The Easter Bunny came to our house leaving a trail of goodies behind him. A Basket each for the boys and eggs all over the backyard. Ryan was so excited to get to finding eggs. Shane was just happy being outside. We did get the boys a little basketball hoop which they want to play everyday. I'm glad about that. Oh and also, Saturday, Dave and I purchased a new van! 2000 Dodge Grand Caravan. It's silver and we got a great deal. I Love IT! I'll upload some pictures of that next time. I haven't taken any yet. Here are the pictures of our Easter!


Sue said...

Nice pics, glad everyone had a great Easter! Ryan looks thrilled over his "booty"!
I'm looking forward to seeing your new van tonight!

Tankgirlxx said...

looks like a lovely Easter. New van, sounds very swish!! Grand Caravan....they are major nice! Hope your weather has improved, it's been lovely here.

Guess What?