Friday, May 26

What a Day!

Well, busy day so far....hopefully we can take it easy this evening. Ryan had a field trip to Greenhill Acres . In fine Ryan fashion, he was attached to my hip and didn't really want to participate with the group. At least the rain held out until we were leaving. It was a cool place. I hope to go back up there

this summer. They sell beef that they raise right there and they have a little country store with canned goods and butters, special soaps etc. Ryan finally warmed up at the end.

I decided to attempt to make a birthday card for Ryan's friend Jacob. He is going to his birthday party on Saturday. Check it out. Tell me what you think. I think it is a little busy myself, but it was the first time I have made this cool card. I will do things differently next time. Jacob probably won't care anyway.

1 comment:

Sue said...

Where exactly is Greenhill Acres? Is it in Chilliwack or Yarrow? I love the pot-bellied pigs!

I'm sure Jacob will love the card, its cute. Have fun at the party!

Guess What?